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  1. This isn’t a secret for me, it is just common sense. I am a libertarian and believe the early American constitution was very close to your prime law. I like the idea that force should only be used to prevent force, that is for self defence only. I don’t believe you need to enforce contracts, some libertarians believe you do. If you are dishonest, the bad reputation you create is punishment enough. So I do agree with you but I still regard myself as a libertarian.

  2. This is very important in our current times. High unemployment and discouraged folks that have worked a lifetime to now have to endure these hard times. This is a real solution.

  3. I understand and my mind has been open to this kind of thought process. I got a lot out of this little video and it is awesome once you understand what it’s about. So Thank you for this video.

  4. Hello to Everyone… I notice some of you who vote for dislike for Mark Hamilton’s important Video for you and all. Please do your research for more information at w w w . t v p n c . o r g – It will help you to understand it better, We are very happy and find the right light of our life and you will be next and It will be SURPRISE for your wonderful future that you never seen before… Wink !

  5. Hello to Everyone… I notice some of you who vote for dislike for Mark Hamilton’s important Video for you and all. Please do your research for more information at w w w . t v p n c . o r g – It will help you to understand it better, We are very happy and find the right light of our life and you will be next and It will be SURPRISE for your wonderful future that you never seen before… Wink

  6. @sfumato1002 you can never have real peace without bad there is no good it’s a fine balance that we need to find, and most drugs aren’t even that bad i mean cannabis can help with a lot of things and can even improve your health if you don’t use it too much and it also doesn’t normally doesn’t cause aggression. It’s just the very fine balance we need to find, it may seem hopeless now but eventually we all will find that balance.

  7. @theimperialwizard: Right… ‘Cause his attire is far more important than the message, in’nt it? How very shallow. @the guy in the video: Thank you. I’ve been saying this for years and I get called crazy everywhere I go for it. It’s nice to know that there’s someone else who can see this.

  8. @yellowcougar18 In the video Mark reads The Prime Law. It’s only 107 words long and is the one law that is imperative to amend to the constitution that provides the conditions to make all Americans wealthy — including the poor. It’s the ultimate ‘tool’ for achieving pure freedom, peace, health and wealth for any nation and its people.

  9. This will never work…why?? what about the movies and the music that promote unnecessary violence… will they be prohibited? What about drugs and prostitution? what about violent video games, will they be prohibited? Society is in the gutter. Poeple actually want violance and drugs to be legal. Ask most youngsters, they want to self destroy each other. … 99% of the population on earth will have to be wiped out for peace on earth today. Very few people on earth love peace. very very few.

  10. How sad to have lived but never to have chosen your path because it is chosen for you in the current political structure where wars are waged and people are starved to keep their system of suppression ‘The Great Suppression’ alive and well. Let’s open our flight into riches ‘we must close our fall into poverty…’ (rule of man) leading to ‘inescapable depression and tyranny’ we can remove the fundamental ingredient of initiatory force with the Prime Law – 3k secret – vote in 2012!

  11. @TLSlayer1 There may have been information passed to those identifying with the Zeitgeist camp (… scientologists too.) My take is that all roads that lead anywhere but to NeoThink (& the Neo-Tech Constitution of the Universe = The Prime Law) are incomplete dead-ends. A genius in his own right, Mr. Joseph is more conscious with NT. Resistance is ultimately futile; the higher vibratory, widest-scope NT Zon individual illuminates, integrates & completes everything in existence.

  12. To educated/conceptual people is easy to explain a premise, but to ignorant , misguided, short sighted/almost entirely perceptual people, reality has to give them a strong nudge. The saying ‘demonstrate, do not explicate’ is even more valuable in this situation.

  13. Political parties have for many years been able to exploit the public via its innocent yet outdated collective desire to be led by an external authority. However when people reject this falsehood, the resulting empowerment rewards them with both greatly increased freedom and prosperity.

  14. How is this Prime Law 3,000 years old? Sources? The Libertarian party *does* claim to be founded on the non-initiation of force principle. IMO, the problem with the Libertarians is that they take this principle as an axiom with no consistent philosophical foundation.

  15. It is hard to accept that we have to move on to let natural selection improve the species. Wouldn’t it be better if our elderly didn’t have to pass nor age, and that wisdom could be shared immediately with the young ones? I have observed that Grandparents get along very well with Grandchildren as they soak up that knowledge from them. Maybe I am sensitive to this becuase my parents passed before my children were born or shortly thereafter. Fascinating knowledge. Thank you Mark Hamilton.

  16. You cannot fail to be impressed by such an intelligent and professionally produced testimonial video. Thank you Kerry.

  17. Many members will be able to relate to Mark’s own journey with regard to being given the opportunity to obtain the literature, followed by entry into the society itself. He makes a number of insightful observations relating to the majority of people and their stagnated lives and also the exciting personal renaissance that awaits you by walking a similar path.

  18. @zonsb Yes, laughably simple Z!
    ‘Here’ is where individual control originates.
    In this context, I suggest those of us DE-politisizers who merely take our hands out of our pockets to group 7×2 & unite a 7-block radius, will end up ‘covering the big-show win like the dew!’

  19. I have a 27 year old as of Friday, Feb 18, 2011. I followed this and yes! she is able to make her own desertions based on our play time of the past! I am dazed and amazed and very proud….I was a neothinker in the 80’s! Thanks again Mark! I now work with mental health in therapeutic recreation and help them relive what they missed. I am so thankful!

  20. Thank you Mark…I went back to school at 48 cause I knew I needed a diploma or something to do my work in the anti civilization. I also did the ‘Books for 30 years’ to raise my one child! I am ready for the next step…TVP!

  21. Hand Down this One is One of The Best Informative… Highly Recommence to watch it and its A WOW ! Wink !

  22. The ruling class has a comfortable existence because of its low effort nature compared with focused value producers and even more so value creators. Also, because it is hard for the first group to move into the second one in this anti-civilization, which is where the ruling class need them to remain.

  23. The most shamefully unappreciated group of people today are geniuses such as Bill Gates and James Dyson. In our often celebrity obsessed world, there are certain people who have usually produced little if anything of real value. These individuals are bizarrely fawned over by both a dishonest media and a depressingly large portion of the general populace.

  24. The ruling class has a comfortable existence because of its low effort nature compared with focused value producers and even more so value creators. Also, because it is hard for the first group to move into the second one in this anti-civilization, which is where the ruling class need them to remain.

  25. Career politicians have frequently throughout history duped the populace via one form of enticement or other. However, such pledges rarely have a honest basis and are therefore usually just a vehicle used to garner support.

  26. When combined, the forces of nature and neothink tap deeply into one’s psyche to offer irresistible rewards to the reader. I believe that no other publishing company has ever marketed its literature in a similar manner, or with a comparable level of success.

  27. The ruling class has always exploited any weaknesses in otherwise valid laws in order to control and profit via coercion from the general populace. Only the prime law can annul a long history of such blatant criminality.

  28. In a similar vein about thirty years ago, Steve Jobs and his fellow visionaries at Apple Computer developed the first graphical user interface operating system. They succeeded in making software more intuitive and user friendly than ever before. The launch of the Macintosh computer changed the industry forever.

  29. @bomm459 You are genius to put it so pithy! Every day will be like Christmas day, without our sacrifice to anti-civilized predators!

  30. The prime law will simplify the current unnecessarily complex maze of man made ones. An innocent individual can easily become overwhelmed by these, often if not always to the benefit of the ruling class.

  31. The transparency of the prime law would negate the current inconsistent and often quite simply dishonest ones. Consequently, subjective judgments made during the legal process could not therefore arise.

  32. The government should protect ITS people??? The government should protect its EMPLOYER — the people. Later on Government Company should protect its customers or be out-competed.

  33. @bomm459 Wouldn’t this be lovely? I was just talking to someone about ‘promoting the general welfare’ as written by the founding fathers, so idealistic, so naive, it seems now.

  34. When we quit working so hard physically and use our brilliant conscious minds the entire civilization of the Universe will prosper!

  35. Mark Hamilton’s latest address to Arizona is also a powerful awakening. ‘We will all rise to a great and wealthy new world.’ Thank you for wanting everyone to close the fall into poverty Mark.

  36. A great many people are already disillusioned with traditional politics as they realize from experience that things in general rarely change for the better, regardless of which party is currently in power. In order to draw support from an often duped voting public, politicians frequently make good sounding claims or pledges which in reality are of little or no value. Only a sea change of the world’s political landscape will rectify this situation, which I believe can only arrive via the TVP.

  37. A great many people are already disillusioned with traditional politics as they realize from experience that things generally never really change for the better, regardless of which party is currently in power. In order to draw support from an often duped voting public, politicians frequently make good sounding claims or pledges which in reality are of little or no value. Only a sea change of the world’s political landscape will rectify this situation, which I believe can only arrive via the TVP

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