Twelve Visions Party Testimonials Comments

112 thoughts on “Twelve Visions Party Testimonials”

  1. This is a great representation of what the Twelve Visions Party means. Twelve steps to becoming a self-leader in every aspect of life. If you want to feel good about your, one and only, life again, this is the way. Thank you for this video Kerry. Your talent for media creations is much appreciated by me.

  2. I am a disabled veteran, inventor, and know something about everything, master of little. I am new to this but it is so easy to see what is happening to our country, I can tell you when gold is going to go up or down by what is happening in the world. Printed paper is a sham with nothing solid to back it up but more paper. I urge us all to use your own mind, step back and look at the overall picture. Another country like ours fell becouse it tried to control its citizens. We can no longer sit back and watch this happen. I’m a new grandfather and want my grandson to be free, happy, and able to persue whatever he wants in life. Not be a robot! Our forfathers said THE TREE OF FREEDOM MUST BE WATERED WITH THE SWEAT OF PATRIOTS IN ORDER TO GROW TO THEGREATEST OF HIGHTS! If they didn’t say it I just did.

  3. “It is not power that corrupt but fear. Fear of losing power for those who wield it; fear of the scourge of power for those who are subject to it.” San Suu Kyi.

  4. On the 18th of July the Twelve Visions Party® train left Chicago and is now a national party. The next stop is your town USA. Come listen to what we have to say. We are the only party for the true rights and protection of the individual, the most important and smallest unit of mankind. Once the Prime Law is amended to the constitution the people will truly realize we are the future of mankind.

    The government will become the government it was intended to be in the visions of our forfathers, a government of protection only. The social good will be replaced by honest business men and women that will take over these American money draining programs and make them a profitable business. In doing this it will not be a cost to the American public and will instead give them back much needed money’s for their own well being.

    The government of protection only will become a business like entity that the American consumer will happily and willingly pay for, instead of paying for through forced taxes.

    Watch closely for the Twelve Visions Party® train to stop in your state, because very soon after that it will be in your town USA. When that train stops in your state and then your town listen to what we have to say. You be the judge and decide if what we say and stand for is the right platform to follow.

    We are passionate about what we say and do because we believe the individual and the individual’s right are the bottom line. Once you have heard us I think you will agree.

  5. Congratulations and thank you to everyone in all the states who have recently stepped up and begun a forward movement towards establishing the Twelve Visions Party.

    I want to live in a world filled with value creation, honesty, and peace; I want to live in a world where everyone is connected and working towards solving societies problems, from the very smallest to the very largest. This world I want to live in starts right here with us helping each other, working together towards this common goal of building the Twelve Visions World.

    We must keep pushing forward in our progress and establish the Twelve Visions Party®, now I realize there will be many bumps in this long road we are traveling which will eventually bring us to the Twelve Visions world. We cannot allow outside influences or authorities to keep us from our path to the Twelve Visions World. I know I have so many wonderful friends, and brothers and sisters right here at my side helping me every inch of the way, and I want you to know I am also there with you. Working together we will accomplish this!

  6. The words to the Prime Law are the most important words I have ever read. The Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will change the lawmaking process in this country. No new laws will ever be made that have nothing to do with protecting this country and everyone in it.

    There will be old laws that will be repealed because they do not stand up to the test of the Prime Law. Never again will any person or government be allowed to use force or threat of force against anyone without first having force or threat of force used against them. The use of unlawful violence whether threatened or committed against any person or property will no longer be tolerated. Fraud, persuasive power, the power to convince the force of an argument, the intensity of such an influence will no longer be permitted.

    Force of character, mental or moral strength used to subdue another or to force one’s opinions on others will no longer be acceptable. These few things I have just mentioned are all violations of the Prime Law. If you are not already doing this, you should be using the Prime Law in your daily lives, and in your businesses.

  7. What the Twelve Visions Party means to me; To bring the Prime Law into the constitution for people to be able to prosper and live happily. To bring the Prime Law to all the peoples of the world, so we too can prosper and live happily!

  8. The 18th of July is near. That day will be a very historic day for mankind. It will be a giant leap for all men, women and children in America.

    On July 20th, 1969 Apollo 11 had reached the moon. After the Lunar Module Eagle landed on the moon and as Neil Armstrong stepped the first step on the moon he spoke these very infamous words “That’s one small step for (a) man: One giant leap for mankind”. This day on July 18, 2009 will also go down in history. As an even bigger leap for mankind, this will be the turning point for the rest of man’s journey.

    The Twelve Visions Party® will be the beginning to a new era. The TVP® will change the way government operates and will also help change the way of thinking about politics in America. Once the government gets back to basics and the Prime Law is an amendment to the constitution the people will be wealthy and the economy will prosper once again.

    The lift off is starting and there is plenty of room for everybody to get on board. The time is now, the place is the Twelve Visions Party®

  9. This falls under free enterprise and needs no rules or regulations by the government. Also, as taught by the Prime Literature under Company Capture and Personnel Capture, a fare wage for a service provided, called “Pay Per Performance”. True pay per performance is not an hourly wage or a salary, but a percentage or share division of the profits you bring into the company. The closest to this in the AC world is a “profit sharing” benefit some companies provide. This “profit sharing” would replace the current “hourly wage” system and be fair for everyone. If the company fails to provide a livable income, the I simply move on to a different company, or start my own business.

  10. As a small business owner, the Twelve Visions World that will come about because of the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP) will allow all individuals the same opportunities. Today, we are separated by gender and race. We have laws that give unfair advantages to individuals and businesses. We let flaw-filled man decipher current regulations and law. That allows for improper adherence on a case-by-case basis. For instance, if there is a regulation that doesn’t allow off-premise signs in the business sector of a community, that regulation should apply to all businesses. One can drive an area and see that some businesses are adhering to (or are forced to adhere) to the regulation, while others do not.

    Business is built because of the vision of one individual. It grows and prospers because of the honest integrated efforts of that one individual. If the original entrepreneur doesn’t’ work hard and smart, then the business fails. If the original entrepreneur grows the business, without looking to career politicians for favors, then, the entrepreneur should have a right to prosper and live happily.

    If the purpose of life is not to live happily while prospering, then what is it? Relationships today are damaged because few people succeed while working for a company. There are only so many places at the top, and without hard thinking and integrated honest effort you might not make it. One comes home with a peach pit in their stomach knowing they didn’t make enough money to pay the bills, let alone go on a date. Also, many folks don’t try to climb the never ending staircase, much less reach for a dream of being in business, for their family, based upon something they love to do.

    I believe many Americans would start their own businesses, but they see the amount of knowledge and effort needed to conform to the massive regulations. They determine it is easier to sink in stagnation without realizing their human potential. They instead go to a dead-end job, and go home unhappy day after day, with little to be happy about, and life seems not worth living. Couples divorce and children suffer. Can you see yourself being in a family that celebrates accomplishment, or being a teacher who gets to make a difference? Go see how I feel and write about the life I expect for you and for me.

    Few people know about James J. Hill, a great man who had a plan for America, and the rest of the world. He started with nothing, but a dream, and created the most successful railroad in North America at the time. He was also building a free market global economy overseas, until others became envious of his success and found ways to stop his continued success. The rest of the story needs to be told.

    You will have the opportunity to learn more about greats like James J. Hill, if you choose to see what can still happen for America, by following the TVP. I recommend you go to to renew your hope in America and politics. A change is on the horizon and you have the opportunity to be part of it

  11. What the Twelve Visions Party® means to me.

    It is the answer I have been searching for, the answer to all that is incorrect with our government and our present society. The TVP® with its Prime Law added to the United States Constitution will make every incorrect law go away. All the dishonest politicians will be voted out of office, to be replaced by honest businessmen and women who only want to do their civic duty then return to running their businesses after their term has ended. Honest business people don’t want to be career politicians. They want to create values for society, unlike corrupt, career politicians who only want to spend other people’s money.

    The TVP® will also make all the bureaucratic government agencies cease to exist and bring our government back to the way our forefathers originally intended it to be. Everything that has nothing to do with protection does not fall under the proper purpose of government. It falls under business where it can create values and be profitable instead of bleeding the American taxpayers dry through excessive taxation.

    This is what the Twelve Visions Party® is about and what it means to me.

  12. The Twelve Visions Party® is a grassroots political party, filled with HONEST businessmen and women who have been watching this country declining in a downward spiral towards certain death and destruction. Our government has no business bailing out failing banks and businesses. This is a step towards socialism, it is bad enough that our government is taxing and regulating our businesses into the ground, but socialism will put government in complete control and WE THE PEOPLE must not allow this to happen.

    I am sure all of you have heard of Davy Crockett, known as the King of the wild frontier and died at the Alamo fighting for our Country. Davy Crockett had been a United States Congressman, and when his term was just about up he went out through the countryside campaigning for reelection. One day he was riding his horse past a field when he saw a farmer, he stopped and the farmer came over to him. He said I’m Congressman Crockett, I am out campaigning for reelection and I was wondering if you would vote for me in the upcoming election. The farmer replied (and I am paraphrasing here). I know who you are Congressman Crockett, and I will not vote for you! Congressman Crockett was surprised and asked why won’t you vote for me? The farmer replied, because you voted against the Constitution. A town had burned down, and you voted against the Constitution to give $25,000 to rebuild this town. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that Congress can spend hard-earned tax dollars to bail out a town simply because it burned down.

    That was about 200 years ago, a well read farmer who knew the United States Constitution, and he knew that nowhere in the Constitution does it allow our government to bail out failing businesses, banks or towns that have burned down.
    The United States government is spending hard earned tax dollars to bail out big businesses; the United States government is going against the Constitution. Uncle Sam doesn’t care about you, me or the Constitution, our elected government officials only care about making themselves look good by spending our hard-earned tax dollars, simply so they can be re-elected.

    It is time to replace the politicians who are destroying this country and everything it stands for with Twelve Visions Party® Candidates who will rebuild this country into a prosperous healthy and peaceful society.

    The Twelve Visions Party® filled with HONEST businessmen and women will never vote against the United States Constitution! All members of the Twelve Visions Party®, including volunteers will sign a contract binding them to the Prime Law. (Read the Prime Law posted on this website)

  13. The social and regulatory programs like Medicare and Medicaid are actually hurting the people of this country. These social good programs actually give the federal government absolute power to regulate the economy and rule over our money, in other words, the government has its hand in everyone’s wallet.

    The Twelve Visions Party® is going to take the governments hand out of your wallet, and the best way to do this is to remove the government programs, those so called social good programs” to help the people”. Income taxes will be eliminated, the Twelve Visions Party® will do this by means of the protection only budget which will remove the government’s regulatory web throughout our economy and will free technology in every industry, and cause our buying power to increase very rapidly much like what happened with the computer revolution in the 80s, only at an elevated level.

    Once we have a Twelve Visions Party® President there is going to be an auction the biggest auction in the history of mankind generating trillions of dollars. Everything the government owns that has nothing to do with protection will be sold at this auction. Just to name a few, automobiles, computers, buildings, land, everything that has nothing to do with protection. Trillions of dollars, enough to pay off the national debt, and repay every penny paid to Social Security with fair market interest.

    The elderly in this country will become wealthy overnight; WOW talk about a stimulus check what a boost to the economy that will be, people will look back at George Bush’s stimulus check and laugh.

    The Twelve Visions Party® President will be slashing, the Governments Base of Power, by removing the limitations put on businesses by unneeded bureaucratic agencies, and new technologies will emerge from what would seem like nowhere, and yet, from everywhere. Yes from everywhere, garage entrepreneurs will spring up all over the country developing new technologies which will help everyone to live that life we were meant to live.

    Support the Twelve Visions Party® so that our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren don’t have to pay the massive Debt that President Obama has just added to the national deficit.

    Support the Twelve Visions Party® so that you, your Children, Grandchildren, and Great grandchildren will have a Chance to thrive in the Twelve Visions World

  14. The Twelve Visions Party® is the only way to change our government from a corrupt power based system to an honest integrated, protection only, service based government. The one and only proper purpose of government is to protect the individual from initiatory force being committed against them, and to provide equal justice for all. The Prime Law of no initiatory force is a nondiscriminatory law and is the root of everything the Twelve Visions Party® stands for!

    When our forefathers wrote, the United States Constitution it was nearly perfect. Throughout the years corrupt politicians and lawyers have distorted the original meaning of this nearly perfect document. The Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will bring back the freedom that this country had immediately following the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. The Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will remove imperfect men and women from distorting our Constitution and making laws that have nothing to do with protecting the citizens of this country.

    By ratifying the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution, no longer will this country be ruled by corrupt career politicians, instead this country will benefit from the rule of a perfect law, the Prime Law! This will bring prosperity to this country, which will enhance our economy, bringing us back to the wealthiest and healthiest country in the world.

    Ruling class power must be taken out of the hands of misguided men and women, and a rule of flawless law, the Prime Law must be implemented. Then freedom and prosperity will soar in this country, subsequently freedom and prosperity will quickly spread throughout the world.

    We the people must take away the power of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government by removing corrupt career politicians who are draining this country because their only reason for being in politics is for their own political clout and power, we must replace them with fully integrated honest business men & women whose only purpose to be in politics is to bring wealth, health, peace and freedom to this country!

    The Twelve Visions Party® is the only chance this country and this world have at attaining Peace and Freedom for all!

  15. As each government joins the Twelve Visions World by adopting the Prime Law, which applies to everyone, and even if they have not adopted it we can’t police other people only ourselves.

  16. Other countries should be allowed to take care of themselves likewise we should be allowed to take care of ourselves. Government stops our minds when they take care of us. Our minds become stagnant when big government takes care of us.

  17. the government as we know it today has made life so complicated, that I think if we the people were shown a better way and simple thing like the Prime Law, I believe people will see the importance of it.

  18. The Prime Law will promote honesty and integrity and prohibit intentional frauds, dishonesties in offering Investments and security contracts by any kind of business entity.

  19. Why not just advise the public that protection costs and the quality of that protection will only be provided on the basis of the voluntary contribution and the budget that contribution dictates?

  20. The services currently provided by government can be provided for by private competitive business and paid for by subscription. Operational government expenses can be paid for by excise taxes as outlined by the Constitution

  21. How can you be pro Union and still be an integrated thinker? Union is Anti-Civilization! Another control tool!

  22. I don’t think unions will be necessary in a Twelve Visions World business. Each individual worker who is a value creator will guarantee their own survival in the company by producing. This will cause the company to be more profitable and able to reward performance workers with whatever they need and want to continue and enhance production. When you manage by performance /production, favoritism cannot enter into it. If the person is producing they are a valuable

  23. Through the process of integrated thinking in companies, they will be closely knit and negotiations will take place in timely and organized systems. There will be a universal union among the workers. They won`t need unions as we know them.

  24. The kids themselves are losing faith in the system. They know it’s not working. All we have to do is show them a better way. I talk to kids all the time and they do not like school at all. Most of them are so far ahead of the teachers, they are not motivated. They are bored with the way it is today. We have to start teaching kids on their terms. Send them information on their phones, I-pods, and computers.

  25. We use the truth to display the facts of how our education system has continued to decline. Compare ourselves to the rest of the World. The growth of our Twelve Visions World and Neothink businesses will make people want we have to offer.

  26. I do not think we need so many school boards on the payrolls. Some of them are not business minded people nor educators; so with that in mind, we need qualified authors and teachers to select the appropriate books the children need to succeed during the Prime Law in the Twelve Visions World.

  27. The technology being held back from today’s society will greatly enhance our education system. Parents living out their FNE’s will naturally take an interests in the education of their youth. An individual who is truly integrated is constantly in search of more knowledge and bigger puzzles to solve

  28. One of the reasons the school system fails society is that trades are not taught in the schools. The only way one can survive in the World today is with a school system that is designed to provide the tools one needs to accomplish that persons dreams. In the Twelve Visions World I believe the children will be educated in such a way that they will actually be equipped to function as value producers/value creators at a much earlier age.

  29. I am marketing education to teach people how to be entrepreneurs. I think that’s where this is all headed. We need to become independent of the government. They (the government), unfortunately are giving up on the older crowd. This is what they said in Washington. The people over 35 are being forgotten!!

  30. The new common sense is integrated thinking. Think about it. Their education is NOT based on integration, but rather specialization.

  31. Every one should have acsess to good education without money even being a thought…its our investment in our future!

  32. As a child is being raised he/she is encouraged to be who-ever they would like to become, but once they get into the school system they are taught only to conform to the system. With the Twelve Visions World these same children would go on to be who they dreamed of becoming. Producing, creating values for themselves and the world.

  33. I was making more money than my husband before I got divorced. Now I am unemployed. Do you think I should take him back to court to get more money? Or, should I accept the fact that its been settled? In the meantime, the kids are not living like they were used to live. I believe the kids should come 1st no matter what the circumstances. Their needs need to be met first.

  34. This is my question: Is it Initiatory force for someone not to support their child and if so Why?

    1. Yes! It is Initiatory Force for parents not to support their children. Why, because children defenseless in the world without proper financial support, in terms of life’s basic needs; food, clothing, shelter, education and mentorship and so on.

    2. Currently the Law attempts to hold parents responsible for their decisions to have and children. Perhaps, The Law assumes that there are no mistakes in the decision to have a child among consenting parents. [In other words Rape and Incest in not a factor] This consummates the Family Blood- Line.

    3. Let’s consider this argument in terms of tax benefits. The government allows tax deductions for each dependant. Also, there are tax deductions for Alimony, and Child Support. The decision to divorce is personal between parents; and ideally the children are still “entitled” to the nurturing care of both parents.

    4. When the person(s) who generally earns the most income willfully agrees to pay child support to take care of his/her parents, they will receipt just compensation in terms of proper tax benefits and tax deductions.

  35. Throwing money at the spouse for the purpose of supporting the children does not ensure that the child/children benefit from those monies. Many times the courts are only trying to ensure that the spouse does not loose the style of living that was enjoyed by the spouse who has custody. The children very often receive little or benefit from the child support.

  36. I feel that if someone does not pay their child support they are not protecting their child. therefore I would not want them to be able to protect themselves

  37. Child support can’t be fair in today’s world as it is controlled by our government’ org. and those that lie or know how to work the crooked system get the most in most states. Am I right that this is neo-cheating?

  38. As for the child support system. One major inadequacy is if the child support was set up when the parent had a good job and later that parent loses that higher paying job, in many cases (not all) that parent is left having to pay an amount that he or she can no longer feasibly afford. I’ve also seen stories in the news where after years of paying child support, a parent discovers that the child was not his, but was still legally required to pay.

  39. Why We Need TVP
    Our Nation is talking about The $1 trillion wake-up call

    From the Constitution
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
    — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
    The budget plan passed by the House on March 21,03 contains deep and widespread cuts in basic domestic programs such as Medicaid, veterans programs, student loans, school lunches, child care, food stamps, cash assistance for the elderly and disabled poor, and many other programs.
    “House Budget Contains Large Cuts in Medicaid and other Domestic Programs” from
    Some Quotes from history
    “A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
    Quote by Margaret Mead

    “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”
    Quote by Abraham Lincoln

    “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
    Quote by Abraham Lincoln

    “Confidence… thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance.
    Without them it cannot live.”
    Quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt

    The problem in all political and legal systems ever known to man is: they are ultimately controlled by flaw-filled man. The American political system, for instance, whether liberal left or conservative right, in both cases is controlled by man – by flaw-filled man.

    The method to remove man is the Prime-Law. The rapid consequence, is millionare-like prosperity for all people, including the poor.

    Now, what guarantees our government could never again grow a ruling class? Government can grow a ruling class only through force – pay your taxes or go to prison. With the passing of the Prime-Law Amendment, not even the government could use initiatory force and, therefore, would forever cease to be a ruling class. Instead, with the passing of the Prime-Law Amendment, the government would function as a protection service you voluntarily pay for.

    We have reached a special place in time: the idea of real, universal wealth and health can actually happen.

    “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”
    Quote by Franklin D. Roosevelt

  40. What is America Worth?

    Well, right now, our value as a leader is declining world-wide. We are rapidly feeling the effects in our
    everyday lives.

    Escalating prices for fuel, food, and the essentials we depend upon everyday is having a devastating
    impact upon our lifestyle here in the U.S.

    As our citizens lose their homes, their savings and even their jobs, foreign nationals swoop in like
    vultures and buy up our land and prime real estate.

    Has anyone got the picture yet?

    As members of the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton has taught us to look for causes and find the common denominators.

    America, our country is being sold out, my friends!

    We have always had the freedom in this country to be value creators and self-leaders. That is what has
    essentially made America a power to be reckoned with.

    These intrinsic qualities for success, have been severely suppressed over the decades. Our educational
    system no longer teaches our young to think for themselves, use common sense and create solutions to
    problems. Instead, they are taught to fit in, get a boring, repetitive job, be a good citizen and pay their

    Got the picture now?

    Has anyone read the Declaration of Independence recently? Or better still, The Virginia Declaration of
    upon which it is based?

    As our present government “prints more money” (which will dramatically increase inflation) to
    compensate for it’s lack of sound financial management and common sense, we now face a crisis in
    financial markets throughout the world!

    How will this cause, effect us? Will it re-establish or increase our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty
    and the pursuit of Happiness? I don’t think so! It will, in fact have the exact opposite effect.
    In the words of the Declaration of Independence, “Whenever any government becomes destructive to
    our inalienable rights to Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, it is the right of the people to
    institute a new government, laying it’s foundation on such principles and organizing it’s powers to
    effect their safety and happiness. It is our right, it is our duty to throw off such government and to
    provide new Guards for our future security.”

    The Virginia Declaration of Rights tells us that: ‘The government is, or ought to be instituted for the
    common benefit, protection and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes
    and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness
    and safety and is most effectively secured against the danger of maladministration and that when any
    government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has
    an indubitable,inalienable and indefeasible right to reform, alter or abolish it, in such manner as shall
    be judged most conducive to the public welfare (well-being, prosperity, wealth and happiness).”

    What does all this mean? It means that these rights have authority and binding force that cannot be
    denied or taken away. It means that these rights are unquestionable. It means that these rights are not
    able to be annulled, canceled or made invalid by any means. It means that these are our rights as

    I do believe the time has come to make our own Declaration of Independence and take back our rights
    as Americans and human beings.

    The outlook is grim for the American consumer as runaway inflation will continue to rise and our
    dollar buys us less and less.

    Companies are laying many talented people off, in an effort to stay solvent and if you happen to have a
    medical crisis, well, things don’t look very promising for the next four to eight years.
    Mark Hamilton has said there is a genius inside all of us and we are natural value creators, If we are
    allowed to create, that is.

    Americans are tough. We will get through this.

    We in the Neothink Society and the TVP have the way and the means to turn the U.S. around and once again make our proud country a world leader. It will take time and effort to bring back value creation to the U.S.A.

    As the public is desperately trying to survive this impending crisis our nation is now experiencing,
    know that, we alone have the only viable option in the TVP, to rebuild our own worth and the worth of
    our country.

    It is time to stop fooling ourselves into thinking that “the government” will do something, or someone
    else will do it if I don’t. That is a no-responsibility attitude and you may adopt it if you choose. If you
    think things seem bad now, well they can only get worst, and a lack of responsibility on your part will
    only hasten the decent.

    This, I realize, is not a very pleasant picture to confront. Nevertheless, we must face up to it and handle
    it. We have the opportunity to erase this unwanted picture and change it to the real picture of the
    Twelve Visions World, which we all hold in our minds from having read the Multi-Generational Manuscripts.
    Our vision of the Twelve Visions World will only happen if you commit to actualizing the TVP to make it happen!

    Get that picture?

    JFK once said, “ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”.
    The time to start doing something for ourselves and our country is now!

    It is obvious that there is no hope, or solution coming from our present government. They are the
    “elite” and we are just the people. They will survive this and we will go under.

    Yes, we the people are going to have to present the ultimate solution to those smart enough to recognize
    it. What is the solution, the ultimate problem solver we’re all looking for now?

    It IS the Twelve Visions Party.

    This is a call to action, my friends, we need to integrate all our efforts, in every State, County and City
    in America to provide the life-saving solution we have intimate knowledge of..The TVP.

    We have a duty and a responsibility to make certain that every man, woman and child in America is
    made aware of what the TVP can really do for them.

    If you are a seasoned Neothink Society member and you know about the TVP—It’s action time! Do what you can do, and do your best to help bring about the 12 Visions World for us all.

    If you are new to The Neothink Society and don’t know much about it yet, find out and learn more.

    Make all your friends and family, co-workers and even the person who serves you your lunch, aware
    that hope is on the horizon with the TVP.

    Once they all know, they will enthusiastically support the TVP because it is the only sane and workable
    solution to the critical turning point occurring in their lives.

    If all of us help a little bit each day, the combined efforts will add up to a whole lot towards getting the
    job done.

    With the deregulation of Business, Science and Technology brought about by our TVP, sets free our
    geniuses to give us the wonderful life we were meant to live, we will be able to show the world what
    America and Americans are really worth. We will change their lives forever.

    The Prime Law will end violence and bring about a safe environment where business can occur and we all can become wealthy.
    By releasing our medical geniuses from the stranglehold of the FDA and other insane regulatory
    agencies, we will all be able to spend more time with our loved ones and live the healthy, vital, and
    long life we were meant to live.

    We now stand on the very threshold of the Healthy, Wealthy and safe world we all need and want.
    Make it happen for yourself, those you love and all of us and show your true worth and the worth of

    We all need to assume our roles as leading parts of the Superpuzzle. Be who you really are!
    What is America worth?

    Now that choice is all up to you?

  41. How To Fund Government In A Completely Free Society
    By Michael Dilworth, August 2008

    These are not concrete answers or the official position of the Twelve Visions Party. They are ideas to build on. From this point it is impossible to determine exactly how it will be paid for in the Twelve Visions World. The point of this presentation is to give ideas and eliminate false ones.

    First we need to define what government is: An entity that has the responsibility to make and enforce laws for a geographical location.

    Government’s only valid purpose is protection of its citizens. Government is to protect every individual human being equally. When you live in a society with a government like this you live in a completely free society.

    What protection entails exactly is creation of laws, enforcement of laws, punishment for violating laws and military protection. In essence government can only protect the individual from other human beings who are initiating force. Government is our agent for protection and self defense.

    Government will provide a service of protection. However, it is not a service like we have in the marketplace; it is not a service like we generally think of the service. In a proper society government can not only provide the service of protection to those individuals who pay for it. Every individual should pay for it, it’s like paying for insurance, but they don’t have to pay for it and can’t be forced to pay for it. Even though they’re not forced to pay for it most will recognize the need for it and will voluntarily pay, just like insurance.

    Since individuals do not have to pay for the service, that means there’s a chance that there will be people who will not pay for no matter how much they should. If government did not protect these people and only protected those who pay there would be a chance that people would take the duty of protection and self defense on themselves, which would have disastrous consequences. It is OK for a person to take measures to protect themselves from imminent threat of injury or death but everything else has to be left to the government. In a proper society there has to be order and those who have the responsibility of protection must operate by the rule of law. There has to be due process, predetermined laws, predetermined means of proof that a crime was committed, predetermined appropriate punishment and means of enforcement. Law cannot be left to the whim of man! As we know, man is inherently subject to misjudgment, prejudice and generally flaw filled. The same reason that we have for the Prime Law and the TVP contract is the reason protection must be the government’s responsibility. If we did not have due process then the rights of the individual would be violated even if the individual is guilty of a crime. Equal protection is important; this fact is implied in the Prime Law. Government has to be our agent of self defense and protection to ensure that.

    I’ve heard people say and even had this idea myself before I knew better, that it would be like hiring Brinks or some other security agency. You pay for service and they provided it to you. This is not completely the right idea. Of course government can hire private contractors to carry out their business, but the responsibility and must lie on the shoulders of the government that operates by the rule of law and it’s authority given by the citizens. Only government can do that appropriately. By definition government is responsible for making law, so even if government is a hired service it would still be government, but keep it in mind it’s not a government or service provider like we know them today.

    OK, so now we know government has to be responsible for our protection and every citizen gets equal service no matter if they paid for it or not. Government cannot force anybody to pay for anything and they cannot impose a tax without violating the Prime Law.

    If people have the choice to pay for government service how would government get the revenue needed to function? This is a very good question and it has a complicated answer. As I said earlier is no way to determine exactly how we will fund government until we have a completely free society.

    Would government just collect the revenue it needed by people voluntarily paying for at their discretion, by those people who feel obligated because it’s the right thing to do, like a charity. No, that would be too erratic and whimsical, there would be no way to budget or determine how much revenue would be collected at any given time.

    One way to raise funds is a way that we already have in place to some degree; the lottery. I mean state sanctioned lottery. This idea is viable because of the fact that people are going to gamble whether it’s legal or not, whether it’s ethical or not. That is in fact the main reason that we have state lotteries today. Government came to the realization that they cannot stop gambling, so since they couldn’t beat them, they joined them. They give people who are going to gamble the choice to do it respectably by using the money raised for government functions. In a free society there’ll be no control of gambling, but the idea of raising revenue by a lottery is still valid.

    Lottery isn’t a perfect plan but it is a way to raise some revenue. The main problem with a lottery being the sole means is that it would mean government is endorsing irresponsible use of money. That would be people using money in a way that doesn’t promote value production and creation not to mention that it would require a huge sum of money going through the system and an incredible amount of gaming options. Yes, lottery is a way but it is not perfect we still need another way to properly fund government.

    So what is a way to properly fund government? Some people, even people in the Twelve Visions Party, believe that a sales tax would be a way to replace compulsory taxes. They say that the fact that nobody is ever forced to buy anything and they make the decision to purchase things by choice. They have a choice to spend whatever amount of money they wish and when. People have the choice to buy items they want whether it’s a luxury item or a common item. So it isn’t force.

    Yes, this form of tax is probably the fairest method of taxation because people buy goods and spend money on goods proportionate to their income which would eliminate the tax gap and other reasons. Everyone would indeed pay a fair amount which is why it’s called the “Fair Tax”. Yes, this idea is already been c conceived and there is a movement trying to implement this form of taxation to replace all forms of taxation that are collected by force such as the income tax or property tax etc. The organization I’m talking about can be found on the web.

    I’ve checked out that web site and the proposal and didn’t see anything that has impressed me. Actually most of it doesn’t really make sense when looking at it from a Twelve Visions World perspective. There’s things such as a prebate determined my income level, a 23 to 30% additional tax on top of the state and local sales tax, taxation of all goods including groceries medicine and other necessities. Also, what they’re proposing is all based on the budget of today’s government. In the Twelve Visions World, when we do have a completely free society where governments only function is protection, the budget would be nearly half of what today’s budget is which would mean an 11 to 15% sales tax which is more reasonable, but it’s still a tax.

    Either the “Fair Tax” or any sales tax is still a tax. It is a tax that is still imposed by force. Yes, it is imposed by force still even though people have the choice to spend what they wish when they wish and on what. It is still forceful because the fact that man in today’s society has to purchase goods and services to survive. We live in advanced society with a division of labor that allows individuals to work on a focused production and creation of specific goods and services. People create and produce values for other men and then sell their goods and services by use of a monetary system. With the money that people make they go and buy goods and services from other men. This is what we call capitalism. When those goods and services are traded by the use of money is when the sales tax would be imposed. Since man doesn’t produce and create the things needed for mere survival himself solely, that in essence means he has to buy those things from other men. That means that buying goods and services is required, taking away the choice to buy goods to an extent, so a sales tax on that is a tax imposed by force. To say that man doesn’t have to buy things is saying that man should produce everything needed to survive himself. That’s not a civilized concept. The division of labor is what makes things advance because it supports creation and higher productivity, so the “Fair Tax” is out the door in the Twelve Visions World.

    One idea that was conceptualized by Ayn Rand in 1964 and can be found in her book titled the “Virtue of Selfishness”. That is raising revenue from a function of government that is given by right today with the Seventh Amendment. The right to settle civil disputes in a court of common law. She proposed charging a fee for that service to the people who use it instead of compulsorily by taxes paid by everyone. A fee would be collected beforehand like insurance for the ability to have a contract dispute heard in a court. Whenever a contract is created the people in the contract would pay a fee that is a percentage of the total value of the contract. Most of the time there’ll be no need for the service but the service will be there when it’s needed just like insurance is. The service will not be available unless the contract was bonded when created.

    This is a good idea, because the Seventh Amendment as it is now violates the Prime Law because it is using tax money to fund functions that are not in the interests of every individual. Yes the ability to have disputes heard in a court of law is needed and government is the only entity that can do it properly. However, having it as a service by right paid for by taxpayer’s sums up to being a subsidy to businesses because businesses are the ones who use this service most of all. This service needs to be in place because of the Prime Law because it is the means to protect the integrity of contracts, but it shouldn’t and doesn’t have to be a right. Instead it should be a right to have the choice to use this function of government by paying for it on an individual basis.

    People will still have the choice to use the service or not, but in most situations it will be in the best interest to pay for it, just in case. There will be no penalty for choosing not to use the service. The only circumstance of not paying the fee would be that the contract would not be enforceable in a court of law.

    The percentage of the fees will be determined as needed by the government that functions like a business. The rate can be lowered in times of surplus revenue and raised in times of need such as time war. The government will be just like any business because it will have to justify the rates and if they fail to provide the best service for the lowest cost an alternative will replace them. Keep in mind the new structure of government that Mark Hamilton has theorized. Everything will be accountable.

    The amount of revenue collected by this mean should be plenty because of the sheer number of contracts and amount of money involved in contracts. Our economy and financial transactions are mostly in terms of credit. Credit, meaning the payment for goods and services over a period of time. Every time there’s a credit transaction, that is a contract, so there is a lot of contracts going around and there’s a lot of interest in protecting those contracts. People will gladly pay for the service which will be very reasonable in cost because of the sheer number of contracts out there and the minimal amount of money needed to fund government when it’s ran like a business, very efficiently, and doesn’t have anything other than protection incorporated into it.

    Another thing that will make this idea fair is that people who have larger amounts of money and contracts have more of an interest in protecting themselves and protecting their country because they have more to lose, so they will gladly pay more. Almost all of us will pay these fees either directly or indirectly because credit and contracts do have such a great role in our economy and marketplace, so technically we will all be paying for government, but not by means force imposed on us.

    Like I said earlier there’s no way to tell exactly how to fund government when we will live in a free society because there’s so much change from where we’re at now needed for that to be the case, but these are some ideas to build on. When considering methods to fund government we have to keep in mind the Prime Law and how it incorporates into every situation. It’s like the sales tax (Fair Tax), it seems fair and isn’t directly force, but in essence it is force. And also, the Seventh Amendment, it can view interpreted as a protection function, but if you think about it and look at it objectively the way it is now, it is a subsidy because it’s not in every individual’s interest, it’s in the interest of the businesses that use it. Every other function of government as a protector other than that is in the interests of every individual, if someone tried to argue that then that person doesn’t deserve to live in a society with other men. To be a civilization means to care about the safety of every individual because of the value that every individual has to offer to other men, which is the prime reason to live together in a civilization.

    I will be presenting more on this topic and ones like it in the future, one being the transition of government provided services we have now to the private sector. That presentation will explain how it will happen smoothly and be much better for us. Another presentation I’m working on is free trade and why it should be completely free, how it affects our economy and livelihoods.

    -Michael Dilworth

  42. Nice job jeff: Right on! We need to get this powerful, yet eye opening message out to all people. I like what you wrote, people can relate and easily understand.

  43. Great, Jeff as usual you have put it in the proper context, which leaves me with a big problem to come up with my own ideas of what is, the Twelve Visions Party. I am working on it now and will come up with my blog soon.

  44. What is the Twelve Visions Party?

    The Twelve Visions Party is the answer to America’s problems. Simply open a news paper or turn on the evening news to witness our beloved country sinking in self destruction. From corporate fraud, to growing government control over banks, business and morals, to escalating disease and debt, to political corruption…It’s easy to see that this mighty nation is being systematically dismantled. Not by terrorists, Communists or the boogie man as some would have us believe, but by our own elected officials! And unfortunately for no other reason than their own personal benefit!

    The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is a new grassroots political party consisting of honest, salt of the earth people: concerned citizens- business men and women who have real jobs and no political aspirations or thirst for power. No, the TVP is made up of real people who want real change, rather than an empty promise of change. It’s made up of people who earn an honest living, as opposed to spending other people’s money for a living. It’s made up of people who’ve simply had enough of the ongoing political rhetoric, abuse of power and increasing disregard for the constitution.

    The TVP is conceived out of love for humanity and the rising demand for everyone to live in a rational and free society governed by objective law rather than by a tiny ruling class of politicians and bureaucrats who answer only to lobbyists and special interests. Indeed, the TVP is here to end the typical government employee “free-for-all” mentality of no-accountability and self indulging spending sprees.

    We, the people are getting hit harder than ever with the horrible effects of abusive government. Mismanaging funds and overspending is increasing debt and selling out our children’s futures. As more and more people become aware of how we’ve been taken advantage of and sold out for re-election gimmicks, more and more demand rises for honest and productive people to step in and take charge of the political arena in order to mold the government into only providing one proper purpose: protecting citizens. The TVP will reduce government to protection only by cutting the entitlement programs and the billions of vote-gathering dollars spent each year on politicizing our lives and ruling over us.

    The TVP understands common sense law. The premise that good, honest people harbor at least a small amount of fear of their own government is fundamentally wrong. The government should simply be a servant of the people and not their ruler. The government should have only one purpose and that is to protect citizens from initiatory force.

    Existing government uses force on citizens every day…Pay your taxes or go to prison. Follow the rules that a tiny group of law makers feel are moral…or go to prison. Even if you’re minding your own business and not hurting a soul, you can be forced to go to prison because of some arbitrary law designed not to protect people, but to fill the day of some busy bureaucrat inside some bloated government agency.

    The government’s proper function is to protect individual rights and ensure freedom, not dictate morals or ideology. The government should act through permission and not through force. The government should only use force in retaliation to force. The TVP understands this and therefore introduces “The Prime Law”. This Prime Law protects the individual from force, fraud or coercion from other people, groups and the government itself.

    The TVP’s Prime Law binds government to the understanding that citizens have rights and their government does not. This common sense understanding that individual citizens are more important than government is becoming increasingly accepted as people turn on the evening news only to see our politicians play God with our money and morals more and more every day.

    The original constitution with its checks and balance system was brilliant: it was designed to protect the individual from three main threats: the criminal, the government and the mob. The American system was not originally a democracy, but a republic. Although democratically electing officials is an attribute of a republic, democratically electing laws and regulations is not. Our politicians have been steadily adding their own “two cents” to the constitution and pecking away at our rights.

    The TVP’s one over-arching Prime Law of no initiatory force restricts all government laws and regulation to objective protection. This was the missing piece to the puzzle of the greatest achievement in political history: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.

    The Twelve Visions Party understands this and is here to set the record straight by correcting that minor imperfection and permanently establishing the ideal republic that our forefathers risked their lives for. The Prime Law of the Twelve Visions Party will be introduced as an amendment to the constitution. It will ensure that government reduces and sticks to its one and only proper purpose: protection. The Prime Law guarantees that government will never be able to grow another bloated ruling class.

    We, the people, ARE the Twelve Visions Party. We insist on having our individual rights restored and complete freedom for everyone. With this new found freedom, society will finally be able to experience an unprecedented technological revolution led by depoliticized business, science and art. Join TVP today and help create the perfect republic our forefathers originally intended to create.

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