140 thoughts on “Secret Meetings Level 6 Comments”
Dear Mark Hamilton, I finally made contact with my A-team, I called the conference number Tuesday and got to talk to Kelvin,Angel,Jackie Brown and a few other members and it was fun and stimulating. I wanted to call into the Wednesday meeting but alas! I work tonight, but they also gave me the number of the global meeting, so I am going to call in on that one! Also I can not wait to hear more about the twelve visions party. We talked about distributing the flyers and I gave them some of my ideas! I really enjoyed it and tomorrow I will call Ms. Jackie Brown, and have a good chat with her. Very humbled,Bessie Jane Prickett.
I enjoyed very much the sixth meeting, it was wonderful, and Mark, you answered alot of my questions about the marketing aspect of Neo-think. I also joined the Atlanta clubhouse last week and I talked to Kelvin about the Atlanta group and I have yet to put my picture in my neo-space yet, will do so right away, and I can not wait to meet some of the people in the clubhouse. I missed the last tele-conference, I plan to get involved in the next one. And I can not wait for the next level 7 meeting. I look forward to next month! Sincerely,Bessie Jane Prickett.
Mark, I told someone that I joined a new church the Church of God. I was speaking of Neo-Think. I told her that because she is a “HOLLY THAN THOU” that of person concerned about my soul and the fire pt of hell getting me. But I understand why I should not market the club house as a church bercause it will alienate others. THANKS. Also I read in you book that Jesus was bicameral man that evolved into God-man but Paul was a God-man.
Mark, some how I just know when my new meeting is available before I get the email. Yet, I am not on the secret web site. I can feel that the meeting is available. I just finished watching part 1 of the meeting. I am looking forward to the rest. I see your vision. I am looking forward to making the leap in the neo-think or human consciousness. I am thrill to be apart of your movement. I signed my TVP contract. I am doing Your wish is Your command. I noticed more growth in myself. I just need to manifest money to join the secret society web site and G.I.N as a member.
Hello Mark, I have contacted A team members in my area and am still not shure if I want to join an A team or start my own. I have also spoke with the TVP chairmen in my area and offered my help in doing any task to help get the TVP going strong in my area but I guess he has it under control and needs no help.Waiting for level 7.
Hi Mark,
Just finished level6,part7 meeting.Very informative.Its very intellectually stimulating.Thank you so much.
Be very careful and cautious when A-Team members unanimously vote out another A-Team member for being encouraged to integrate reality honestly. We all still have the same ending goal, Biological Immortality. To achieve our goal, is to make sure to power think extensively and honestly before ousting a member for his or her visions. Include that members integrations in your power thinking, to be sure in your decisions. To be ousted is to be excommunicated, and that member could still be an advantage to our top goals. Correct me if I am wrong. Love and peace to all.
A lot of insight on the 6 of the 12th visions. I have much more to absorb, but truly fascinating.
Hi Mark,
I thank you for the great information. But I live in Caribbean Island, Trinidad
I hope you are extending your plans for us also. I know this is universal plan which can benefit all human kind in the world. I am hearing what you are saying. I am waiting for the 12 vision party inauguration for the next month.
I am also looking for some partners in this part of the world to start our club house and A Teams.
Thank You
vijay Paul Pilly
Hi everyone, Mark, I would like to thank you for such a great opportunity to be an active intregrated participant from Billings MT.
Now I would like to be drafted into the A team and represent MT, and maybe even Wyoming an Idaho. I am willing to lead club houses and a political platform to represent every aspect of the 12 visions party at my disposal to enlighten people throughout this regions, my 20,000 email contacts, an eventually take this campaign to places like Cape Horn South Africa and Vietnam in places where 8 million people can benefit from the Inside Secrets. Please provide me with the tools and pamphlets to make this happen so I can get started right away. Thank You Double D.
Thank you Mark for the powerful knowledge you presented in this level 6 meeting. I look forward to our next meeting.
I really enjoy the meeting I live in Orlando Florida I would love to join the team but I don’t know how I really need to move forward so I need more imformation how to join the club thank you!
Hi Mark,
I really enjoyed this meeting. It helped me to clearly understand this very real, important, and powerful opportunity. I have some work to do.
Mark, I’ve listened carefully to the first 5 parts…I’ll have to return later to finish the rest, must take my Wife to the Dentist.
This will be a challenge indeed for me:
There is NO Clubhouse I can find in Louisiana;
I’m very financially BROKE, so..
I can’t access the secret website;
I’m very limited on travel to meet anyone;
I’m literally stuck not in a rut, but a pit.
Nothing negative here, just truth. I’m grasping the super-puzzle here & continue to open my mind & enjoy the knowledge I’m acquiring here. I still look forward to meeting other members, I know when the time is right, things will happen as they should.
I look forward toward the next levels.
Hi M
Hi mark
Ienjoyed level six meeting Iam yet to join a club hiuse.
This meetingwas a good one Iam looking forword to view
meeting seven.
Thank You Mark
I don’t no what that mean but when it come i will be ready to move forward
What a MEGA meeting!! It is very exciting to see this groundswell building. I suspect that many people who have become frustrated with the current crop of politicians and worsening economic climate will soon flock to the TVP.
Down here at the bottom tip of Africa I am still trying to find some other Neothinkers so that I can start putting something together. I am considering placing a small ad in the paper to find out if there are any out there.
I feel myself growing with every meeting, and I look forward to #7.
The first time I listened to this meeting it made me feel agitated and frustrated. The second time I listened it gave me a sense of accomplishment and truly being selfworthy. So I’ve learned that it pays to read over and over again it opens your eyes to what you may have missed the first time. Thank you for sharing and caring enough to express the difference.
Hi Mark, I have just finished listening to part 2 of Level 6 and WOW, what a great meeting. To see where you are going is just wonderful. I have not found any clubhouse in my area. I am still looking and hoping. I can’s wait to listen to the other parts of this meeting. I am wondering were this will take me. I need to really get into this more but have been held back lately with an expansion in my work. Will definitley get back in and study your meetings.Thank MArk. Iris
The Clubhouse is a great tool in integrating all the knowledge and new way of thinking! I have found so many benefits in meeting other like minded people and seeing through their perception! That was a challenge for me at first because of the programming I had! Now I see the world through different eyes and continue to build on each piece! The more you plug in the more you get out! If you do what you always done you get what you always got!
I want to do the meetings on my iPad! Please add that option!
I’m very interested to see how this is going to affect Canadians. I live on Vancouver Island a very small community. As I go through my days here I see people all around me that are totally asleep. They do not walk through life with a song in thier heart and a smile on thier face. I very rarely see people smiling, except the very young, and the very old. who are at the end of thier lives. I don’t know if there are any people near enough to me that have the knoledge that I have attained from Neo Tech. I find my friends to be very boring when the talk about thier day. When I tried to talk about this program to them, they look at me as if I’m from a different planet. They are truely asleep and that is OK with me for now. I would like to know if there are any Neo Tech people in Canada I’m full of piss and vinegar about this it. Would be so cool to talk face to face with someone whom under stands the meaning of this adventure. I see that it is gathering steam in the US, and that is very exciting. As a Canadian, we have not only to deal with the government, but the Queen as well. It tickles me pink to one day be able to walk away form religion, government and the monarchy all at the same time. Untill level seven I hope I can find some people to talk to about this in Canada
Iwould like to start a club house in my area but I need to talk to someone on how to do this,If any one has any ideas on how I can do this you can email me at lnmhavens@gmail.com or just give me a call 1 719 275 3556 I live in canon city co. thank you martha havens.
This meeting really brings in a crucial and dynamic part of the Neothink Society. To read that your amongst like minds is indeed one thing but to go and become the mastermind and listen and hear other intergrations submerges you in the C.O.U. This meeeting is also very beneficial in seeing Mark understanding of the disagreements that might arise in the clubhouses. The indivisual emails to Mark were very good; A very good meeting in our preparation to appeal to the media.
Everything just continues to build and build and build. This is an exciting time for all of us, and I cannot wait any longer to get involved in these clubhouses amd start attending the meetings. I fell a little behind and am listening to the meetings again to refresh my memory. The days of the anti-civilization are soon coming to an end. And with every end, there is always a new beginning. Our new beginning, the Neothink mentality with value creation as the main focus and drive of civilization to perpetuate our movement around the world and throughout the universe. As our clubhouses grow in numbers, and our A-teams become stronger, we will reach so many more people.
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I really enjoy the meetings but is feeling alone in this era. I have not met any apprentice as of yet. I can not find a club house in my area or in Washington, DC. And are there any pins or rings that we could get for being members. Are there any updated video meetings with you. I understand the heirlooms that I have but if I have no one to talk to about what I’ve learned then how can I grow. I need feed back I need someone to talk to. We are suppose to be a family of the C of U. But no one is reaching out to other members. Am I crying out, yes I am. When I’ve read the third heirloom I was truly moved to truly be a part in becomming one of the immortals of the C of U. The joy I felt was truly priceless, now I ask myself where is all of the love that I have read in Miss. Annabelle’s Secrets. Where is the reaching out, where is the family love for mankind, where is the helping of one brother or sister that needs your help. Those are the questions that I am asking, instead of buy this or buy that so you can move to the next level. We are starving for that love, we are tired to the bones of the external authority, we want to be self leaders and think for ourselves and not just thrown out there and left to fend for ourselves, because if we do that then the whole meaning of this we be thrown clear off course. So please Mr. Hamilton read my words closely and with your heart and soul and understand where I am comming from. I thank you and love you for taking the time to read this. And when that time comes I see you then with all the love of the UNIVERSE. Peace in life and Love from the heart.
The secerts u present are only 85% truth! Thanks for some insights, but the new world order WILL Happen! So there is no usa, just in the {north american zone} canada,us,mexico. district 7 or 10 ? :[
The secerts u persent are only 85% truth! Thanks for some insights, but the new world order WILL Happen! So there is no usa, just in the {north american zone} canada,us,mexico. district 7 or 10 ? :[
If you are having questions regarding accessing the Secret Meetings, accessing the Neothink Website, connecting to a Neothink Clubhouse, questions about the Neothink Prime Literature etc.
Please contact Member Services Call 1-800-480-2336.
” NO Person has EVER called , answered, or followed up ” LIERS, is what u are! EZ some SPECIAL people NEED to meet me ! everyone, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or head – This means No one can touch their assets unless, THEY LET YOU !! e.g. mu- chip from Hitachi ; The Mu Chip has a 128 bit read-only memory capable of storing 1038 unique IDs and operates at 2.45GHz frequency. The current dimensions are 0.4mm square and minimum thickness of 60 microns, however there are plans to reduce this further.
Thank you for all of your comments and questions.
Please take note:
If you are having questions regarding accessing the Secret Meetings, accessing the Neothink Website, connecting to a Neothink Clubhouse, questions about the Neothink Prime Literature etc.
Please contact Member Services Call 1-800-480-2336.
Please leave a message and you will receive a call back.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Life is good!! The meetings make it better!! I am glad everyone is starting to feel the dire urge of what is needed in this civilization. War is embedded in the minds of the anti-civilization, and with that destructiveness along with the technology constantly evolving we would end up in World War 3 in no time. The only problem with this is it will kill everyone on the planet, not just the ones fighting in the war. With this society of secrets we are in we need to act fast on changing the dynamics of this system before it is too late. The way everyone is stepping up I think we can achieve passing the nuclear threshold in time. Once people see that Project Life isn’t just some fairy tale like the “fountain of youth,” people will want to see this project done in their lifetimes and will want to stop fighting.
Dear Mark,
I am playing catch-up on listening to the meetings. I have been struggling with my personal mysticisms in my relationship with my husband. You touched on relationships in this Level 6 meeting and stated what I have found on my own to be true. That if you give the spouse time to understand that this is making their mate a better person, the relationship becomes stronger. This is the case for me & mine. I have been the one with the deeply ingrained religious hang-ups. My husband has always had a better life philosophy than I, even though he does not know about Neothink or any of the rest until just recently. Those deep right brain reasons why we connected 24 years ago are still there and I am learning to embrace those and let go of the distorted anti-civ left brain road blocks. I don’t know where my relationship will go from here on out, but I know it has been part of what was holding me back.
I will work diligently on studying meetings 7 – 11. I know there are folks watching and checking on me and wondering what I am waiting for. I have been able to face the reality of my ultimate responsibility of the failure of my small business in Jan of this year. And have taken the time to grieve this loss. The business meant a lot to me. It has taught me how stubborn (ie. Un-teachable) I am; having said that, I do have a request. Please consider sending me the contact information of another apprentice in my local area that you feel could help me along. I would like to move on now and I know my future will be in using every skill I have and some I have yet to discover in building an A-Team in NC. Thank you for reading this note and for the enormous time and effort you are devoting to us, your apprentices.
Elaine O
I just reviewed this meeting for a second time and paid close attention.the wealth of information is stunning.thanks
I have yet to see levels 6 or 7, i’m not sure what the problem is. Can u help please! im really anxious to see these meetings!
Dear Mark, Thank you for all your time and effort,thank you for every lesson. Sarah.
i am very excited for this journey aspecially the TVP(or other with common descent)which is the main solution to the entire civilization.
Hello Mark
Thank you for all your efforts towards these Mettings. You are Great Mentor I am always looking forward to these meetings with you.
I live in the UK, Our Clubhouse is not as active as most of the clubhouses in the USA.
I would like to be an active Member in the clubhouse Meetings.
Lesson 6 is quite a lot take in. It is a wonderful feeling to be here.
My TESTIMONIAL at the secret meetings Membership website says it all. I am so glad you found me. There is so much to learn and absorbed and put to action, weve all come a long way and we will follow to the end.
I did email you some questions, with the email address, you advised to be used for any questions,unfortunately my email keep coming back to me as postmail failure.
I will like to be an active member. The Marketing ideas is very powerful and everybody would like to listen. I FEEL SO PROUND TO BE PART of this AMAZING SOCIETY, thats about to change the world.
Thank you for Twelve visions party
Thank you for your AMAZING contributions to the world.
I want to go through the lesson 6 again.
Thank you for your time. God bless you and your family.
Hi Mark
I live in ALABAMA I am not part of a clubhouse. can I start a clubhouse,if so how do I put one together. I loved the level 6 meeting. Billy Parker
Dear Mark I feel very good from each lessonings I read. I coninue to grow as I Learn. Keep the good Lessoning comming because I am still Learning . I need every thing you put out, because it make my day. Sarah Singleton
I think that that this meeting was excelent it helped me to gain a better unstandig of the bussines side of how this program works. Thank you again Mark H.
Sincerly Mark Pape
Hi Mark,
Yet another great meeting. I actually look forward to each month passing by quickly, so that I can attend the next Level.
I live here in Western Australia, and we already have a group of 4 members who meet up each month. We anxiously await the progress being made in the US, and sincerely hope that next Month’s TVP Launch is a great success.
It is a pleasure and an honour to be associated with the Neothink Society.
Best Wishes Stu.
Mark Hamilton, Thank you! Every lesson you mentor us with is packed full of integrated thought clusters, I think (in a universal mind) now; and with your guidance through these lessons i have developed/changed,I continue to grow rapidly ever since that first introduction pamphlet you sent me almost a year ago ‘(i am still learning from it)”. These lessons 1 to 6 and 7 to come, they are all life changing to me. I am ready to advance, and bring a new club house to my region. I look forward to the integrated modules that will soon unveil the next levels of growth.
your Advantage
After over 18 months, I finally feel like I am progressing. I am retired now so I don’t have to worry about a 12 hour work day and can do things I have been putting off. I think my FNE would be a combination of my electronics and Electrical Engineer training to design build and test small electronic items. I think I have been a ‘free thinker’ for many years, now I can act on it.
Im finding that this is bocoming more and more my downhill focus, my FNE.For the first time in a long time.Im ready to move forward.
was going to submit this after leval 4 comuter locked up. To Mr Mark Hamiltin.So much to say dont know where to start. I dont know why Ive been draging my feet. I know Im behing and hope Im not to late. But little by little Im feeling a mental shift.I go to bed thinking and wake thinking about this new life ahead of me. In someways I feel maybe you made a mistake in choosing me. Or Im not deserving, but then I think why not me.I am a searcher been searching for the child of the past ,THE LIFE i was ment to live.Im trapped in a life of stagnation,job of labor and domt know how to get out.Im really computer chalnged but the newer web site is relly helping.Finished leval 4 and 5 Had no idea of the dynamics and the posibilites Im starting to awaken Trying to catch up but Im probely where Im suppsoed to be. I need local contacts. meetings.Thothing has ever came easy for me.Im ready to start working harder and helping where I can.Thanks Mr Hamilton. Les in Denver
Dear Mark
Just finished Level6part7 the space bar will not work. Will write later.
[edited by Admin]
Dear Mark,
Recieved you msg today to give my testimonial. This is very important to me and I want to give you the very best I can pssiblly do and have been thinking very deeply about my reply. I will speedit up for you. I live in a very remote area at a base of a beautiful mountain. Due to this I am unable to get on the web. Constant efforts to ty to do so have been delayed. Now they say April or May. So in the meanwhile I go to the library for the allowed hour a day of use. Also I have not been to an ATeam Club as there are not any in this area. Once winter is over and it is no longer necessary to cross a a very hazardous mountain pass I will try to go. Maybe later we can set up a club here, hopefully. Any way believe me I am working on my statement and will send it very soon Thank you so much.
I enjoyed the level six meeting, I am yet to join into a club house.This meeting was superb, I am so excited to view meeting seven. Thanks.
Dear Mark Hamilton, I finally made contact with my A-team, I called the conference number Tuesday and got to talk to Kelvin,Angel,Jackie Brown and a few other members and it was fun and stimulating. I wanted to call into the Wednesday meeting but alas! I work tonight, but they also gave me the number of the global meeting, so I am going to call in on that one! Also I can not wait to hear more about the twelve visions party. We talked about distributing the flyers and I gave them some of my ideas! I really enjoyed it and tomorrow I will call Ms. Jackie Brown, and have a good chat with her. Very humbled,Bessie Jane Prickett.
I enjoyed very much the sixth meeting, it was wonderful, and Mark, you answered alot of my questions about the marketing aspect of Neo-think. I also joined the Atlanta clubhouse last week and I talked to Kelvin about the Atlanta group and I have yet to put my picture in my neo-space yet, will do so right away, and I can not wait to meet some of the people in the clubhouse. I missed the last tele-conference, I plan to get involved in the next one. And I can not wait for the next level 7 meeting. I look forward to next month! Sincerely,Bessie Jane Prickett.
Mark, I told someone that I joined a new church the Church of God. I was speaking of Neo-Think. I told her that because she is a “HOLLY THAN THOU” that of person concerned about my soul and the fire pt of hell getting me. But I understand why I should not market the club house as a church bercause it will alienate others. THANKS. Also I read in you book that Jesus was bicameral man that evolved into God-man but Paul was a God-man.
Mark, some how I just know when my new meeting is available before I get the email. Yet, I am not on the secret web site. I can feel that the meeting is available. I just finished watching part 1 of the meeting. I am looking forward to the rest. I see your vision. I am looking forward to making the leap in the neo-think or human consciousness. I am thrill to be apart of your movement. I signed my TVP contract. I am doing Your wish is Your command. I noticed more growth in myself. I just need to manifest money to join the secret society web site and G.I.N as a member.
Hello Mark, I have contacted A team members in my area and am still not shure if I want to join an A team or start my own. I have also spoke with the TVP chairmen in my area and offered my help in doing any task to help get the TVP going strong in my area but I guess he has it under control and needs no help.Waiting for level 7.
Hi Mark,
Just finished level6,part7 meeting.Very informative.Its very intellectually stimulating.Thank you so much.
Be very careful and cautious when A-Team members unanimously vote out another A-Team member for being encouraged to integrate reality honestly. We all still have the same ending goal, Biological Immortality. To achieve our goal, is to make sure to power think extensively and honestly before ousting a member for his or her visions. Include that members integrations in your power thinking, to be sure in your decisions. To be ousted is to be excommunicated, and that member could still be an advantage to our top goals. Correct me if I am wrong. Love and peace to all.
A lot of insight on the 6 of the 12th visions. I have much more to absorb, but truly fascinating.
Hi Mark,
I thank you for the great information. But I live in Caribbean Island, Trinidad
I hope you are extending your plans for us also. I know this is universal plan which can benefit all human kind in the world. I am hearing what you are saying. I am waiting for the 12 vision party inauguration for the next month.
I am also looking for some partners in this part of the world to start our club house and A Teams.
Thank You
vijay Paul Pilly
Hi everyone, Mark, I would like to thank you for such a great opportunity to be an active intregrated participant from Billings MT.
Now I would like to be drafted into the A team and represent MT, and maybe even Wyoming an Idaho. I am willing to lead club houses and a political platform to represent every aspect of the 12 visions party at my disposal to enlighten people throughout this regions, my 20,000 email contacts, an eventually take this campaign to places like Cape Horn South Africa and Vietnam in places where 8 million people can benefit from the Inside Secrets. Please provide me with the tools and pamphlets to make this happen so I can get started right away. Thank You Double D.
Thank you Mark for the powerful knowledge you presented in this level 6 meeting. I look forward to our next meeting.
I really enjoy the meeting I live in Orlando Florida I would love to join the team but I don’t know how I really need to move forward so I need more imformation how to join the club thank you!
Hi Mark,
I really enjoyed this meeting. It helped me to clearly understand this very real, important, and powerful opportunity. I have some work to do.
Mark, I’ve listened carefully to the first 5 parts…I’ll have to return later to finish the rest, must take my Wife to the Dentist.
This will be a challenge indeed for me:
There is NO Clubhouse I can find in Louisiana;
I’m very financially BROKE, so..
I can’t access the secret website;
I’m very limited on travel to meet anyone;
I’m literally stuck not in a rut, but a pit.
Nothing negative here, just truth. I’m grasping the super-puzzle here & continue to open my mind & enjoy the knowledge I’m acquiring here. I still look forward to meeting other members, I know when the time is right, things will happen as they should.
I look forward toward the next levels.
Hi M
Hi mark
Ienjoyed level six meeting Iam yet to join a club hiuse.
This meetingwas a good one Iam looking forword to view
meeting seven.
Thank You Mark
I don’t no what that mean but when it come i will be ready to move forward
What a MEGA meeting!! It is very exciting to see this groundswell building. I suspect that many people who have become frustrated with the current crop of politicians and worsening economic climate will soon flock to the TVP.
Down here at the bottom tip of Africa I am still trying to find some other Neothinkers so that I can start putting something together. I am considering placing a small ad in the paper to find out if there are any out there.
I feel myself growing with every meeting, and I look forward to #7.
The first time I listened to this meeting it made me feel agitated and frustrated. The second time I listened it gave me a sense of accomplishment and truly being selfworthy. So I’ve learned that it pays to read over and over again it opens your eyes to what you may have missed the first time. Thank you for sharing and caring enough to express the difference.
Hi Mark, I have just finished listening to part 2 of Level 6 and WOW, what a great meeting. To see where you are going is just wonderful. I have not found any clubhouse in my area. I am still looking and hoping. I can’s wait to listen to the other parts of this meeting. I am wondering were this will take me. I need to really get into this more but have been held back lately with an expansion in my work. Will definitley get back in and study your meetings.Thank MArk. Iris
The Clubhouse is a great tool in integrating all the knowledge and new way of thinking! I have found so many benefits in meeting other like minded people and seeing through their perception! That was a challenge for me at first because of the programming I had! Now I see the world through different eyes and continue to build on each piece! The more you plug in the more you get out! If you do what you always done you get what you always got!
I want to do the meetings on my iPad! Please add that option!
I’m very interested to see how this is going to affect Canadians. I live on Vancouver Island a very small community. As I go through my days here I see people all around me that are totally asleep. They do not walk through life with a song in thier heart and a smile on thier face. I very rarely see people smiling, except the very young, and the very old. who are at the end of thier lives. I don’t know if there are any people near enough to me that have the knoledge that I have attained from Neo Tech. I find my friends to be very boring when the talk about thier day. When I tried to talk about this program to them, they look at me as if I’m from a different planet. They are truely asleep and that is OK with me for now. I would like to know if there are any Neo Tech people in Canada I’m full of piss and vinegar about this it. Would be so cool to talk face to face with someone whom under stands the meaning of this adventure. I see that it is gathering steam in the US, and that is very exciting. As a Canadian, we have not only to deal with the government, but the Queen as well. It tickles me pink to one day be able to walk away form religion, government and the monarchy all at the same time. Untill level seven I hope I can find some people to talk to about this in Canada
Iwould like to start a club house in my area but I need to talk to someone on how to do this,If any one has any ideas on how I can do this you can email me at lnmhavens@gmail.com or just give me a call 1 719 275 3556 I live in canon city co. thank you martha havens.
This meeting really brings in a crucial and dynamic part of the Neothink Society. To read that your amongst like minds is indeed one thing but to go and become the mastermind and listen and hear other intergrations submerges you in the C.O.U. This meeeting is also very beneficial in seeing Mark understanding of the disagreements that might arise in the clubhouses. The indivisual emails to Mark were very good; A very good meeting in our preparation to appeal to the media.
Everything just continues to build and build and build. This is an exciting time for all of us, and I cannot wait any longer to get involved in these clubhouses amd start attending the meetings. I fell a little behind and am listening to the meetings again to refresh my memory. The days of the anti-civilization are soon coming to an end. And with every end, there is always a new beginning. Our new beginning, the Neothink mentality with value creation as the main focus and drive of civilization to perpetuate our movement around the world and throughout the universe. As our clubhouses grow in numbers, and our A-teams become stronger, we will reach so many more people.
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I really enjoy the meetings but is feeling alone in this era. I have not met any apprentice as of yet. I can not find a club house in my area or in Washington, DC. And are there any pins or rings that we could get for being members. Are there any updated video meetings with you. I understand the heirlooms that I have but if I have no one to talk to about what I’ve learned then how can I grow. I need feed back I need someone to talk to. We are suppose to be a family of the C of U. But no one is reaching out to other members. Am I crying out, yes I am. When I’ve read the third heirloom I was truly moved to truly be a part in becomming one of the immortals of the C of U. The joy I felt was truly priceless, now I ask myself where is all of the love that I have read in Miss. Annabelle’s Secrets. Where is the reaching out, where is the family love for mankind, where is the helping of one brother or sister that needs your help. Those are the questions that I am asking, instead of buy this or buy that so you can move to the next level. We are starving for that love, we are tired to the bones of the external authority, we want to be self leaders and think for ourselves and not just thrown out there and left to fend for ourselves, because if we do that then the whole meaning of this we be thrown clear off course. So please Mr. Hamilton read my words closely and with your heart and soul and understand where I am comming from. I thank you and love you for taking the time to read this. And when that time comes I see you then with all the love of the UNIVERSE. Peace in life and Love from the heart.
The secerts u present are only 85% truth! Thanks for some insights, but the new world order WILL Happen! So there is no usa, just in the {north american zone} canada,us,mexico. district 7 or 10 ? :[
The secerts u persent are only 85% truth! Thanks for some insights, but the new world order WILL Happen! So there is no usa, just in the {north american zone} canada,us,mexico. district 7 or 10 ? :[
If you are having questions regarding accessing the Secret Meetings, accessing the Neothink Website, connecting to a Neothink Clubhouse, questions about the Neothink Prime Literature etc.
Please contact Member Services Call 1-800-480-2336.
” NO Person has EVER called , answered, or followed up ” LIERS, is what u are! EZ some SPECIAL people NEED to meet me ! everyone, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or head – This means No one can touch their assets unless, THEY LET YOU !! e.g. mu- chip from Hitachi ; The Mu Chip has a 128 bit read-only memory capable of storing 1038 unique IDs and operates at 2.45GHz frequency. The current dimensions are 0.4mm square and minimum thickness of 60 microns, however there are plans to reduce this further.
Thank you for all of your comments and questions.
Please take note:
If you are having questions regarding accessing the Secret Meetings, accessing the Neothink Website, connecting to a Neothink Clubhouse, questions about the Neothink Prime Literature etc.
Please contact Member Services Call 1-800-480-2336.
Please leave a message and you will receive a call back.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Life is good!! The meetings make it better!! I am glad everyone is starting to feel the dire urge of what is needed in this civilization. War is embedded in the minds of the anti-civilization, and with that destructiveness along with the technology constantly evolving we would end up in World War 3 in no time. The only problem with this is it will kill everyone on the planet, not just the ones fighting in the war. With this society of secrets we are in we need to act fast on changing the dynamics of this system before it is too late. The way everyone is stepping up I think we can achieve passing the nuclear threshold in time. Once people see that Project Life isn’t just some fairy tale like the “fountain of youth,” people will want to see this project done in their lifetimes and will want to stop fighting.
Dear Mark,
I am playing catch-up on listening to the meetings. I have been struggling with my personal mysticisms in my relationship with my husband. You touched on relationships in this Level 6 meeting and stated what I have found on my own to be true. That if you give the spouse time to understand that this is making their mate a better person, the relationship becomes stronger. This is the case for me & mine. I have been the one with the deeply ingrained religious hang-ups. My husband has always had a better life philosophy than I, even though he does not know about Neothink or any of the rest until just recently. Those deep right brain reasons why we connected 24 years ago are still there and I am learning to embrace those and let go of the distorted anti-civ left brain road blocks. I don’t know where my relationship will go from here on out, but I know it has been part of what was holding me back.
I will work diligently on studying meetings 7 – 11. I know there are folks watching and checking on me and wondering what I am waiting for. I have been able to face the reality of my ultimate responsibility of the failure of my small business in Jan of this year. And have taken the time to grieve this loss. The business meant a lot to me. It has taught me how stubborn (ie. Un-teachable) I am; having said that, I do have a request. Please consider sending me the contact information of another apprentice in my local area that you feel could help me along. I would like to move on now and I know my future will be in using every skill I have and some I have yet to discover in building an A-Team in NC. Thank you for reading this note and for the enormous time and effort you are devoting to us, your apprentices.
Elaine O
I just reviewed this meeting for a second time and paid close attention.the wealth of information is stunning.thanks
I have yet to see levels 6 or 7, i’m not sure what the problem is. Can u help please! im really anxious to see these meetings!
Dear Mark, Thank you for all your time and effort,thank you for every lesson. Sarah.
i am very excited for this journey aspecially the TVP(or other with common descent)which is the main solution to the entire civilization.
Hello Mark
Thank you for all your efforts towards these Mettings. You are Great Mentor I am always looking forward to these meetings with you.
I live in the UK, Our Clubhouse is not as active as most of the clubhouses in the USA.
I would like to be an active Member in the clubhouse Meetings.
Lesson 6 is quite a lot take in. It is a wonderful feeling to be here.
My TESTIMONIAL at the secret meetings Membership website says it all. I am so glad you found me. There is so much to learn and absorbed and put to action, weve all come a long way and we will follow to the end.
I did email you some questions, with the email address, you advised to be used for any questions,unfortunately my email keep coming back to me as postmail failure.
I will like to be an active member. The Marketing ideas is very powerful and everybody would like to listen. I FEEL SO PROUND TO BE PART of this AMAZING SOCIETY, thats about to change the world.
Thank you for Twelve visions party
Thank you for your AMAZING contributions to the world.
I want to go through the lesson 6 again.
Thank you for your time. God bless you and your family.
Hi Mark
I live in ALABAMA I am not part of a clubhouse. can I start a clubhouse,if so how do I put one together. I loved the level 6 meeting. Billy Parker
Dear Mark I feel very good from each lessonings I read. I coninue to grow as I Learn. Keep the good Lessoning comming because I am still Learning . I need every thing you put out, because it make my day. Sarah Singleton
I think that that this meeting was excelent it helped me to gain a better unstandig of the bussines side of how this program works. Thank you again Mark H.
Sincerly Mark Pape
Hi Mark,
Yet another great meeting. I actually look forward to each month passing by quickly, so that I can attend the next Level.
I live here in Western Australia, and we already have a group of 4 members who meet up each month. We anxiously await the progress being made in the US, and sincerely hope that next Month’s TVP Launch is a great success.
It is a pleasure and an honour to be associated with the Neothink Society.
Best Wishes Stu.
Mark Hamilton, Thank you! Every lesson you mentor us with is packed full of integrated thought clusters, I think (in a universal mind) now; and with your guidance through these lessons i have developed/changed,I continue to grow rapidly ever since that first introduction pamphlet you sent me almost a year ago ‘(i am still learning from it)”. These lessons 1 to 6 and 7 to come, they are all life changing to me. I am ready to advance, and bring a new club house to my region. I look forward to the integrated modules that will soon unveil the next levels of growth.
your Advantage
After over 18 months, I finally feel like I am progressing. I am retired now so I don’t have to worry about a 12 hour work day and can do things I have been putting off. I think my FNE would be a combination of my electronics and Electrical Engineer training to design build and test small electronic items. I think I have been a ‘free thinker’ for many years, now I can act on it.
Im finding that this is bocoming more and more my downhill focus, my FNE.For the first time in a long time.Im ready to move forward.
was going to submit this after leval 4 comuter locked up. To Mr Mark Hamiltin.So much to say dont know where to start. I dont know why Ive been draging my feet. I know Im behing and hope Im not to late. But little by little Im feeling a mental shift.I go to bed thinking and wake thinking about this new life ahead of me. In someways I feel maybe you made a mistake in choosing me. Or Im not deserving, but then I think why not me.I am a searcher been searching for the child of the past ,THE LIFE i was ment to live.Im trapped in a life of stagnation,job of labor and domt know how to get out.Im really computer chalnged but the newer web site is relly helping.Finished leval 4 and 5 Had no idea of the dynamics and the posibilites Im starting to awaken Trying to catch up but Im probely where Im suppsoed to be. I need local contacts. meetings.Thothing has ever came easy for me.Im ready to start working harder and helping where I can.Thanks Mr Hamilton. Les in Denver
Dear Mark
Just finished Level6part7 the space bar will not work. Will write later.
[edited by Admin]
Dear Mark,
Recieved you msg today to give my testimonial. This is very important to me and I want to give you the very best I can pssiblly do and have been thinking very deeply about my reply. I will speedit up for you. I live in a very remote area at a base of a beautiful mountain. Due to this I am unable to get on the web. Constant efforts to ty to do so have been delayed. Now they say April or May. So in the meanwhile I go to the library for the allowed hour a day of use. Also I have not been to an ATeam Club as there are not any in this area. Once winter is over and it is no longer necessary to cross a a very hazardous mountain pass I will try to go. Maybe later we can set up a club here, hopefully. Any way believe me I am working on my statement and will send it very soon Thank you so much.
I enjoyed the level six meeting, I am yet to join into a club house.This meeting was superb, I am so excited to view meeting seven. Thanks.