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1,115 thoughts on “Youtube”

  1. Yes Mark Hamilton, The RULE of MAN is the cause of POVERTY on Earth. To get to next level, where we all can live wealthier, happier, longer The RULE of MAN must be eradicated through The PRIME LAW. Thanks Mark for this eyeopening breakthrough.

  2. Please help spread the word: The Prime Law, the 3000-year-old secret, is all that’s needed to catapult each and every one of us into a new dimension. Go to TVP2012 and take a look at the 7 amazing effects on our society that will immediately begin occurring as soon as the Prime Law is added as an Amendment to our US Constitution.

  3. I can only see the precious Prime Law : ‘The Fundamental of Protection’ become an amendment to all Constitutions on planet Earth. Prosperity awaits human race. I appreciate you, Mark Hamilton, For revealing the 3000 year old secret!

  4. Thank you Mark Hamilton for revealing the 3000 Year Old Secret! The Prime Law is a genius idea to protect us from the initiatory force of flaw-filled man and flaw-filled woman. Each of us is a manifestation of the universe. We each have an innate calling (Friday Night Essences) which will prosper us and make us happy. The purpose of the Twelve Visions Party is to depoliticize America! The Prime Law is the puzzle piece to restore civilization to our world.

  5. Iv seen all this brain washing since I was a teen. 90 percent of the population is brain washed into thinking and acting a certian way based on what a few people said. These people actually generate feelings over these things cause of the washing. I pity people with too much concsience who beleive everthing that is told to them. people are just caddle these days

  6. Is time to change the paradigm. Human beings have every right to a life of wealth, health,and peace. Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society give us the opportunity to match the Twelve Vision Party and the Prime Law ( The Fundamental of protection )

  7. whats kinde of funny to me is. that we pay thees men to rule us and break us and steal frome us. what a job it must be to get paid to committ crimes againts thoes who pay you.

  8. I think Mark Hamilton is a visionary that has secrets that has been held back from society. It’s about time that the truth be told to poor, average, middle class and the rich. All we really need from the government is protection from other countries and laws that protects it’s citizens.

  9. Since being apart of this elite group, I can understand how important this type of information can help improve a nation. Government solutions only make things worse in the end and also keeps hard working people from becoming wealthy. America needs a soultion and Mark Hamilton hits the nail on the head.

  10. everybody listen to Mr Mark Hamilton !!! This is the way of freedom ,wealth and happiness!!!! ONE ONLY WAY !!! Thank you MR HAMILTON. ;o)))) with love

  11. Hello all. I’m not a native american and I can see how much these information presented by Mr Mark Hamilton is needed , and I know that to thank Mr.Hamilton is for us to be aware and start seeing beyond the illusions created by the authorties and to be a self leaders. When we’re pluged in , we’re in control of our life, so please do your self and me afavor and be pluged in with Mark in the Neothinksociety and the TVPNC.ORG Many Thanks to Mark and to you for reading. Issa

  12. I have read the tvp platform and it really sounds great, it does. Even though I do believe it would be a step in the right direction, I feel that removing all Gov. regulations would just create an oppurtunity for exploitation by individuals just concerned with generating money as opposed to the greater good of mankind. this could lead to pollution, goods contamination, inefficient use of resources..ect.. Thoughts?

  13. We are slowly doig good ! i mean, we got rid of most of major diseases, we got rid of global racist, not, now lets make us all equal

  14. A man who makes so much sense of today’s world and the direction of understanding the world needs,at the simplest common denominator,that each individual has the right from harm,even Government! That each individual has the right to protection from harm& fraud by business,individual or government. All peoples of the world should have a right to protect themselves even from government.This ‘Prime Law’ of no initiatory force can help peoples of the world rise up,be protected from ourselves&others

  15. I am a 20 year old college student from the south side of Fort Wayne, IN. I have lived in poverty my whole life. I was luckily gifted with a higher IQ than most, which is the reason I am in college now. this amendment needs to happen. The only problem is that society today is impatient, and fast, so they have no time to read, or watch 15 minute videos. The educated wealthy ones are the ones watching and read your material and ideas. Maybe I can help talk to the younger audience for you.

  16. (Part 2) However! This still won’t last. As long as you have someone in charge who is human and the followers are human – there is still that favoritism. This is true whether it is conscious or not. I’m not saying that because I know people to well. I say that because it is an evolutionary probability. People will do what their instinct is and inside that what they are trained to do as that is built deeply into their instinct. Man I wish I had a whiteboard and could explain genetic algorithms.

  17. Basically he’s making a simple law and trying to come up with a way to make the world function for its people because he knows that the answer is simple. It is simple, but it’s not going to be just a law. People will work around the law because they won’t make it the base of their purpose. Their purpose is for themselves whether that law is there or not. What you need is people to select other people who choose to be selfless as leaders and who will choose other selfless leaders… (not done)

  18. Talk about simplifying the justice system, emptying the prisons of non violent offenders, and trojan horse the government. Modern technology would make most of government obsolete, yet these insider-trading, facelifted, crony Capitalist fake ass liberals and republicans like Nancy ‘Air Polution’ Pelosi, and that John ‘Hard on’ Boehner. They should all be jailed for Treason, Embezzlement, Extortion, Racketeering, Abuse of Power, Bribery, Fraud, Purgury, War crimes, But the FBI Wont do their Jobs!

  19. We that are watching this already know that our rights are being slowly disolved, we have to stop this,if it has to be a revolution well thats what we have to do I dont at all condoun violance but if we let evil take hold of our lives than it has to happen otherwise we are slaves to a system of greed,lies and poverty.

  20. @Mnoel79 Actually NO! The government wants us to believe that we and it are the same but nothing can be further from the truth. The government is a parasite that feeds on the people to protect itself and it’s cohorts, it’s puppetmasters, it’s beneficiaries, it’s existence at a cost to the people.

  21. The government doesn’t give a shit about the people, they only care about grasping more power. It’s like they are children, fighting over bullshit on the playground….

  22. @KShineofRLK Aside from interactions with government, which has no voluntary support. Pay the tax or go to jail. Government is men and women attempting to provide services at the barrel of a gun. Outside of government. 98% of people interact voluntarily — it’s all about voluntary support for each other. Like minds attract and co-create wealth for their benefit and society. The dislikes are due to ignorance and lack of thinking about how they themselves voluntarily interact with others.

  23. @TheRichie213 Thats a little naive Richie, no society in human history has ever accomplished this, look at how it worked out for communist/socialist societies. The greatest way for a country to be prosperous is to let people, by the own self interest, strive to be wealthy by filling societies needs. The more resources that go into reallocating assets, the less resources there are for everyone.

  24. @TheRichie213 It always rains. That causes trees and grasses to grow. What’s hard is doing the advanced human things, outside of our animal needs, like making computers, or running a Youtube.

  25. What’s up with all the dislikes. Anyone who is conscientious, has a high level of awareness and doesn’t conform with outdated or corrupt systems knows what this guys talking about. -An indigo

  26. i wish we could live by this ‘prime law’, and everybody just leave everybody else the hell alone. But it won’t ever work, too many idiots around who would muck it all up.

  27. @discussdebate Your points are all valid yet why add the last bit? We are part of a whole but why do you make the point that God exisits? Where is the evidence for this? I understand the need for some people to believe in a higher being but where is the substantial proof of this?

  28. [Part 1] It’s easy to talk and describe what needs to be done yet what is the plan to make this happen? Have you considered this? The Earth is one single body yet a quark in the scheme of the Universe; all that makes up this body – keep it alive and well. When working in harmony the Earth and all on it prospers …however [ALL] have a shelf life. Can the human brain survive without the stomach, DNA, neurons, cells, blood, lungs, etc…?

  29. [Part 2] My Point? We perceive ourselves as way to relevant in the scheme of things. We have and continue to disrupt harmony simply because we can think and have choice. If we are truly the brains of Earth – Can the brain survive without all its parts? If you said, “No.” Then why do we think in terms of individuality at all? BTW: GOD exists – an element within and without. You want to worship that be my guest …by default you are a part of the whole.

  30. This video is right that initiatory force is what holds society back. Where I disagree with this video, I believe the founding principles were opposed to initiatory force.

  31. im not going to tell you how to live life but i believe in my religion,love my life family and friends, you can believe in what you want, it doesn’t have to be what it saids in a book. it’s good enough to know you have faith in something and your happy with it, i don’t go to church cause i think it’s boring, but i still have my faith you don’t have to go to a 2 hour lecture to know what makes sense. as long as you know theirs a start and an ending there really is no good or bad


  33. Well I dont know, but he has one good point: things aren’t working as they are. At least he is making an effort.

  34. @yellowcougar18 You simply only use force to prevent force. You can’t lock someone up for stealing or doing something that doesn’t physically hurt other people. People who steal will be punished by society so there is no need to lock them up, there opportunities will be removed. I tend to agree with this dude, but I do understand that it’s a big pill to swallow for most people.

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