3,544 thoughts on “Marks Online Video Feedback”

  1. What is the purpose of life? Through my involvement with the Twelve Visions Party, I have learned the that, “The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.” this means everyone, without exceptions to race, color, gender or economic status. This was promised by the American Constitution but; because of man’s dishonest interpretations and self-interest, the original intent of the constitution has been distorted, and needs to be restored in a way the will allow honest interpretations to prevail, and allow wealth, health, and safety to all of the people, including the poor and elderly.

  2. Tat was really a great video that really inspired me to out a try to get 20 more people to join the neothink society, i now know why that video gave me goose bumps, i told a very excilertaing story of the Neothink Society and what we are all about, boy that was really refreshing for my life. you artists really did a great video you should all be taking bows for this video. i love you all, you all have a Beautiful Day

  3. i agree with you completly mark, i am already noticing that in a few of our members, and they difently let the ego’s over come the dedication to the neothink society, i for one will continue on the right path for the Twelve Vision party, and the neothink society

    love you always
    William J Kyle

  4. a very truthful statement mark, we must eridricate the ruleing class in order to launch the wealth of man kind. this is exactly the way life should be, you keep up the good work Mark we always love you.

  5. Beautiful cause and effect video! The”Exhilerated Value Creation” way of living, causes lives to move forward, not backwards. “Eternal bliss” and “prosperous life” are the effects(sweet rewards)of living a value creative lifestyle, the life that you were meant to live. Oh what sweet rewards!!

  6. Your Passion, once discovered, motivates the integrating power, to generate wealth,
    and a newly created sense of life!

  7. The Twelve Visions Party, eliminates illusions that cause the stagnation in value
    producers, and stimulates value creation potentials, for Wealth, Health, and Prosperity!

  8. I love my self fully, it does not matter how older or younger I am.
    I love the Universe and I am thankful for all this blessing.
    Mark Hamilton thought me in how to keep my eyes wide open to this reality.

  9. This is the life that every individual want to live. In The Neothink Society is a
    marvelous reality waiting for us.

  10. I love, I love this son. Is the manifestation of how The Neothink people feels about
    Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The TVP. Let dance with this excelent
    music created by genios.

  11. Hello World!
    My name is Cheryl . I am a 4ft. 10in. 52 year old woman that is now a Laid Off Autoworker!!! For years I welded GM (General Motors) frames together, the Hummers, Colorado trucks, and Canyon trucks for the Shreveport, Louisiana GM plant.
    I am an ordinary person just like you. My husband and I live in a small town (pop. 2,099) in Northeast Texas, in our doublewide mobile home on a 100ft. x 100ft. lot. Our children are grown and we have a beautiful German Shephard named Zeus.
    Throughout the past 25 years I have watched Cororpate America tighten their belts by eliminating jobs in their workforce. Therefore, adding more work to the laborors, which includes me. And now, with all our jobs gone, we have been totally devastated – no jobs – no health insurance – now living with our parents or relatives – living on the streets – unemployment ran out – no money – no end in sight!!!
    I am here to tell you there is an end in sight!!!!!
    Mark Hamilton’s literature has shown me how to see through the Matrx of Illusions that the politicians and regulatory bureaucrats have thrown upon us through their laws and regulations. They have been taking our rights away from us one by one and covering it up with their illusions through the media.
    The Prime Law of Protection and The Protection-Only Budget capture the beautiful original intentions of the Democrats and the Republicans while removing the lies, tricks and powerplays. In many ways, the Democrats and Republicans have become the same: their drive for political power has replaced their original good intentions. When in power they are both spending away our country’s future, sending us into mind-boggling debt, bankrupting our children’s future. Soon there will be nothing left, if we stay with those two old parties.
    We ordinary people are totally suffering!!!!! The Twelve Visions Party is here to reverse the rising rule of man and its destruction of Our Government and Our Country!!! All of our wallets are suffering severely under the rising rule of man in America!
    In 2008, We The People voted for the politician who promised to Change the path that America is on, economic deterioration! We are still on that path of economic destruction! The Twelve Visions Party is the only Party that can truely put America back on the right path, economic growth and stability!!! The Twelve Visions Party knows how to bring our jobs back to the US, where they belong!!!!!
    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s time for WE THE PEOPLE to take OUR NATION back from the politicains, bureauceats and journalists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So, when I vote in 2012 I SAY:
    NO to the Demacrats
    NO to the Republicans
    NO to the Tea Party
    YES YES YES TO THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    WE WILL become Proud, Prosperous, Loved and Happy Americans Again!!!
    We will do this with The Twelve Visions Party!!!
    So, every chance you get, listen to Mark Hamilton’s speeches, watch his video’s and read about The Twelve Visions Party!!! And you will be able to see the Matix of Illusions too!

  12. Yes and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again. This music and future music will
    calm the soul and motivate the movers and shakers and future
    Leaders of the world into the 12 Visions all thanks, hugs and kisses to
    Mark Hamilton!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His artists his honest and integrated
    Prime literature and motivation for a better world keeps all of us people
    here in America and the world motivated to make the changes and
    sacrafices to bring Wealth, Health & Peace to the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. WOW!!!!!!!!!! What genius`s are coming out and up with the music
    of today!!!!! such talented neothink individuals in this world.
    This is because of Mark Hamilton and his 12 visions and his prime
    literature and the leaders whom will not be suppressed and kept
    locked up by the ruleing class and neo-cheaters!!!! These leaders
    will make the world the best for all to live the lives they are supposed live.


  14. Why are their poor? The earth provides everything that is needed. The division of the people into certain catagories is just an illusion. As unification of the human race spreads across the globe poor will become a word that was used in the past.

  15. This is what life is supposed to be. Not to be given something but to have an oppurtunity to do so. The only obstacle that can ever stop an indivdual is themselves.

  16. Envy is a seed that will grow and bloosem into full hatred in time. If you do envy something ask why do you and how can I make it my own so I no longer envy that which I now have? Make this envied thing your own through hard work and thought. A person can replicate and copy anything, they just have to try and correct/learn from any mistakes they may encounter.

  17. I have learned from Mark Hamilton great insight about the next evolutionary leap of man moving from the division of labor, the manual effort that is put forward in production one example is the assembly line which was first used in the Manufacture of cars by henry ford, but that system has been integrated deeply throughout society in every area of production, if you look at most factory and warehouse in the nation today, the assembly line concept is used to speed up production of goods for the society and they get to the market place very fast. threw the writings of Mark Hamilton you get to read about and put into practice the next evolutionary leap which is the division of essence using the mind by freeing up the productive forces of manual labor and replacing with advance machinery that was once done by man is now done by machinery which frees man to use his mind to have deeper integration of knowledge which expands toward the speed of light.

  18. Mark Hamilton is building the future of the world by creating the Neothink family of people with totally honest value creators.

  19. Mark Hamilton is creating a unique and united family of people that will create the future of mankind through genuine honest and totally integrated value creators.

  20. I am so proud to be a Neothink woman, because Neothink members use The Love of Atraction to be out of envy. You can face this situation in your daily life. The Neothink
    members will be always working hard to be out envy.

  21. I have been in The Neothink Society for a couple years, more years are coming
    and I feel more and more comfortable, and satisfied because finaly I have found
    my center, my peace, love, and fully integrade honesty. The Neothink Society is my home.

  22. I am tired of all form of disease foisted upon us, crippling us, keeping us from fulfilling our dreams. But I jump for joy at the thought of this Neothink puzzle snapping mightily into place. As so succinctly described by the Twelve Visions Party and turned into reality by the Twelve Visions Party Contract. Take away the power of the rule of man to create bogus laws at their every whim and suddenly you create a society based on the Prime Law and thus a government bent on delivering the most valuable of services – Protection Only.

  23. I agree you Melvin Gormwell there is always the cause and effect in areas of our life

    with the politic of to day the deceit and illusion only through the writing of Mark -Hamilton can we see,only the twelve-vision -party can bring real change.

  24. Iam blessed to be one of the member of society to gain all the knowledge in life and you to can gain this opportunity,find out how.

  25. We all can and will learn how to love and help each other in the society, look at the economy right now, everyone takes advantage of the next person to get ahead in what ever they do. what a better life to live helping your fellowman. we need to be happy,healthy, and wealthy thankyou.

  26. I have learned how to find my FNE and to do that you must used your mind and use itegrated thinking, in everything you do. practice and it will come a reality in your daily life.

  27. As a child i was always looking for a better way of life, I’ve been in the society for a couple months now, being in with the family in society is where every individual should be. I personally thank mark hamilton for showing me the person i was meant to be and the life i was meant to live.

  28. Dear Mark, I have been reading and taking in your Neothink secrets. I am soon ready to act and apply myself to the knowledge that I have obtained from your book. Thank you, and much regards, Ralph M. Tipay

  29. I have been a member for years and I will say that the support I have gotten from members of this society have inspired me to work for greater achievements in life. Not only do I want to live the life I was meant to live but I, and other members, want to help folks live their dream life as well!

  30. I have discovered my learning/creation essence to be a favorable effect caused by a renaissance mindset. Thank you Mark Hamilton for helping me to unlock my potential and to realize that its ok to find happiness in my multi-faceted energy vibrations. I only need to surround myself with geniuses to move my creations forward while allowing my mind to work freely.t

  31. Quite worring about the How and How much you have to Love
    and follow your self auto servomechanisms to guide you thru.
    Love the people and let the people in your life love you and start
    enjoying love and life. We only get so much time for love.

  32. My experience with good and bad relationships, led me to read the
    prime literature. I am so thankful I found the prime literature. The literature showed me what love can and should be. May we all find love.

  33. I am so proud of the Twelve Visions Party. After learning of the Twelve Vision,
    I am so excited to see one day in the near future The Twelve Visions become
    Americas destiny, The world destiny. The Twelve Visions World cannot happen
    soon enough. Peace, Love and Hope to the World.

  34. Mark Hamilton show a confidence of a self leaders, the
    twelve Visions party is a great people movement that remove man from the equation , the egos that create illusion will be wash away you will finally be able to see behind the curtain that holding us back.

  35. neothink concepts are very powerful, people will start to see the next leap of mankinds which is the neothink mentality a new way of using the mind threw integrated thinking becoming a self leader getting out of the following mode but to start listing to your inner feelings that will lead one to a new life of happiness all the answers that one need are within the reach of one’s own mind. your inner being will never let you down, why ? because it has your best interest in mind . It is who you truly are as a person.

  36. I can relate to love because we were thought as a child to love everyone,your back ground didnot matter,this is the way our culture is, and yes mark i know how much you love mankind, thankyou

  37. all human beings today have no idea what to do ,its because the rule of man that is in place today,gives no one a chance to their rights. we need mark hamilton,the neothink family and the twelve visions party.

  38. mark hamilton has shown me the way to become the person i was meant to be, and I
    like to say thankyou very much.

  39. I have become far more acutely aware than ever before of the direct link between the way we think and the cause and effect principle. There is a cause for every effect; it is an inescapable part of our everyday lives. And what greater cause exists than our own thoughts – along with the feelings, moods and attitudes they generate? To hear Mark Hamilton speak on that subject is something I deeply appreciate. He has played a major role in helping me identify the real cause behind every effect that has played a part in my life. He has helped me grasp the importance of developing the kind of mindset that will literally transform our lives, producing the most positive and powerful life changes we could possibly hope for. Cause and effect is everywhere. It has produced a world trapped in illusions and enslaved by a ruling class bent on control. We don’t need illusions! We don’t need external control! What we do need is to be free to live our lives as blissfully happy, prosperous and creative individuals – with each individual living a life over which he or she exercises complete autonomous control. We shall have that! There is a cause for that too, and we are learning exactly how to activate it. Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for the invaluable part you are playing in that learning process.

    David Knox

  40. From reading and exploring my experiencing of the Friday Night Essence I knew about since childhood, my Child of the Past met my Child of the Present and began to come fully to life…certain things I had put back to concentrate on in the latter part of my life on Earth just blossomed out and with these experiences and creations I came to focus on developing certain creative areas of the ARTS and Business, never before thinking of my self and business in the same sentence! I love how everything in my life is coming together into one coherant personal Superpuzzle. My FNE is stimulating others to find their FNE and fly with it, fashioning their life on Earth as they (and I for me) want it to be!

    Love, Lila

  41. It is amazing what you learn from Mark Hamilton’s writings about claiming your Self-Authority and Responsibility, and then these fabulous insights and ideas, and sometimes visions “come” to you, which are showing you something about certain questions you have asked, or needing solutions to specific problems, or new ways of looking at “something”, etc. Sometimes a “working out” or through a problem, step by step is revealed. Sometimes a thrilling new concept for a new societal structure will “arrive” in your mind…and so forth.

    Nothing else like it. Over the years, these “ah hah” experiences just never stop!!!

    Love, Lila

  42. Dear Mark, I understand the basis on the relationship concept, But I have a problem you see I am married but did not marry my wife because I loved her but to keep from being alone. I know someone may say ” then why are you still there after almost 11 years if you don’t love her”. Well I do care about her and she ask me all the time when will I give her my heart. Well like I always say she is my mans-wife not my gods-wife. I can’t afford to live on my own right now. Alot of women in my culture uses this vessel called child support instead of allowing a father to be a father. And with this vessel it tends to dismantle a man instead of constructing him. There are no support in alot of relationships today because of society’s view on life. I have dreamed of my future gods-wife and met her. But because of my present situation I am deprived of happiness and joy. I don’t know what to do, because if I tell her how I truly feel then I will be asked to leave and right now I have nowhere to go or any maney to take care of myself or assist her with the raising of our children. I am trying real hard to make a living out here but my past is hurting me and you have to jump through hurdles to prove that you are no longer who you once was. Please I ask you what am I to do?


    Clarence Lyles

  43. I know all of us, considering myself among us all, have done our best living our lives throughout the years, perhaps making mistakes that landed us in hot water, or emotional pain. Many of us are like-minded “Searchers” who have been looking for a world free of ultimate dishonesty, and those who would take advantage of us. We have striven for honesty in our lives, and to be “clear” in our aims and goals. This whole process has been made even clearer and more powerful as we gained back our own Self-Authority, and sorted our way among the blockages created by dishonesties in those we had associated with, lived with, and worked with, etc., gaining the self esteem and confidence that We are truly finding our way to becoming the person we are meant to be, and already started the life we are meant to live. This is an exhilarating feeling, especially as creativity rises within us to higher and higher levels!

    Love, Lila Bennett

  44. Hi, I’m back again. I believe in the twelve vision party whole heartedly , but alot of people are not going to accept what we are bringing to them unless we lead as role models. What we have as a platform and agenda are the greatest thing than slice bread, but we have members out here like myself that does not have a job because of the mistakes of the past that are now tormenting me because those in power know that their power is almost gone now they are trying to enforce the rules and laws of there making to show the people that they are all about business. While we are being deprived of living. If we can not eat or live then we are going to fall into their traps and then we will lose the faith of the people that we are trying to save from this madness of this anti-civilization. This society has all the companies fooled to believing that man can not change. We have to show them that they are wrong. For we are the strong and the just, we are the elite, we are gods-men without question. Thank you

  45. I have learned the processes that jump my mind into putting together pieces of the puzzle in several areas into a whole–>Neothink. At times these several areas come together to form an even greater puzzle, an expanded bigger picture than I have seen before–>Breathtaking views. The exhilaration felt, then put into action in the areas I am drawn to is such a satisfaction, and fulfilling feeling with which to work alongside with others to create new areas of purpose in a better civilization whose aim is honesty, love, and service that is without initiatory force or negative limitations on our population’s happiness and creativity!!!

    Love, Lila Bennett

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