Twelve Visions Party Testimonials Comments

112 thoughts on “Twelve Visions Party Testimonials”

  1. My name Tameka Davis I am the only one that is to read the book neothinker or the world will be destroyed why is Mark Hamilton lying like he wrote the book and he is me Tameka Davis and in my electrical power plus my sex and eyes

  2. Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton…
    I recieved a twelve page letter from you or your party. I sent the invitation back. It has been three weeks now and I haven’t heard a word. So I decided to do a little research. And your name and party came up. I was reading what you have on your site. I am curious. And would like to learn more.
    I left my email address. So maybe someone could contact me back.
    Thank you.
    Many Blessings to you and yours. your you.

  3. Arturo,
    We met in TX in 2009 when I traveled to be at an event. Your desire to bring this honest self-leader-system to people near you stands out in my mind. I hope you are safe and well. I also hope you someday find this.

  4. Dear Mr. Hamilton: Dr. Wallace established the belief system,and you put into action the application system. You are really an action performer. I am proud of joining the journey with you in the effort of saving our future generations. You are truly a great philosopher,an outstanding architect, an efficient contractor, in short, you are the savior of our great nation United States Of America.

  5. Mr.Hamilton,As always everything I read what you have written it expands my mind, increases my knowledge,and leaves me in this amazing state of mind at this feeling that I have been in your mind or you have been in mine!How do you do that?I continually learn about so much from that wondrous brain you have,I just cany describe it!

  6. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. I remember the values you brought to our Neothink Clubhouse. The credit goes to you, the person who took control of his life. That is where our power is and what Mark Hamilton shows us in his books.

  7. I thank Tom Cary for his mentoring in the Neothink Society and his commitment to The Twelve Visions Party, as a Visionary. I appreciate working with him because I see the value of being an apprentice and a mentor in the Society as we understand what it is to be “honest” living “an open-ended, flowing process” versus living in one’s “truth” “a closed-circle, fixed static.”

  8. The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party provide opportunities for everyone! Recently, Tom Cary formed the Congregation of Inspiration with myself, Jill Reed and John Smrek. There was time Kenneth Townsend created with us, but, he has since moved on to his own projects in wood-working because it is downstream focus for him. The rest of us love to write and speak and love that he recognized the need to move into his own essence of value creation.

    Our childhood dreams included growing up to be of great value to ourselves and others. We are being that right now through value creation which is our nature. If you are a seeker you have found a home– the Neothink Society! Welcome Home!

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