Secret Meetings Level 4 Comments

263 thoughts on “Secret Meetings Level 4 Comments”

  1. Dear Mark, Thank you for rescuring me from my stagnate existence,had my FNE and did know what my FNE was let alone know what it meant but I do now,I still had to rediscover my FNE with another job that was stagnated and going no where until you reached out to me I answered and began integrated thinking again,all the things I read in your HEIRLOOM BOOKS about NEO-THINK was the same way I have thought and felt all my life so far but I have some questions.Q1-is it possible to have several,several 10 second miracle Q2-can you see in whole pictures Q3-I’m I on the right track of understanding value produceing and value creating. Looking forward to being in the C of U on earth with Biological Immortality Q4-would like to find a Club House Meeting in my area

  2. Dear Mark,
    Just got done with level 4 that was exciting. A little nervous about this marketing venture but it will be an adventure for sure. Looking forward to level 5. Finally got access to the active neothink web. And I have another script on the way.

    Love always, GodDog

  3. Mark,
    I am very excited about being a part of this endeavor and am looking forward to life in the C of U. May we proceed post haste.

  4. Dear Mark,
    I am now a Level 4 apprentice on this journey to change the world. My question is: Are there clubhouses in the Philippines where I can join and subsequently attend the meetings? Thank you.

  5. Hi again Mark,

    Maybe I am stepping a bit out of bounds with what I am about to say here, but I am only doing this to help the Society along even though I am not through all 12 levels. In keeping with the term, complete honesty, does that really go with the term secret(s) ? What about something like The Society of Peace and Wisdom ? Something that can related to without question. Or Society of Wisdom, Wealth and Peace. Maybe just the Society of Peace, since this whole program will ultimately set the world at peace, which the majority of people in the world would like to see these days. I don`t think I would mention immortality just yet, not until TVP is on top.
    This is not an opinion as much as, I was just trying to put myself in a place like I had never heard of the TVP and what I would be thinking at the time of hearing about the TVP. As for me, I am in. I just do not know to what capacity just yet, but I am working some angles to capture different groups of people in a wide way by appealing to their mystical side. By the way, you how the news, telievision keep the world, especially the us in such a dark state ? Well what you are doing now, will like you say, turn things around. This does work on a kind of metaphysical manner as with humans as you know, still are monkey see monkey do, which is not a bad thing. That is the ether that connects all life in the universe. Hey its partly your fault that I studied this phenomenon due to your writings. I love you for doing what you are doing and I am headed your way.

    Short preview of mystical hook.

    The soul never dies
    Which is your essence
    This ether that binds us
    To each others presence
    Is why we should deny
    Our petty differences

  6. Hi Mark:
    I have several questions such as I would like to socialize with other neo-tech members. I am starting new changes in the fall, I am attending a University, and I have job changes due to the hours required at school. I don’t have much free time as of yet due to my demanding schedule but I am happy learning and growing. I am very creative and I would like to discuss some moral questions and the art of entertainment. Also, I would like to know who and what the 12 vision party represents politically in my area and nationwide. Thank-you for your time and giving me an opportunity to grow and be part of this community. I am forever grateful and I want to give back to society what has been bestowed upon me. I feel energized and excited about the future.

  7. Dear Mark,

    Thank you for reaching out to me on this level. You helped me a couple of days ago in healing some past things from my inner child cries. This step into life now is what “Hope” wanted for so long and tried to reach you in whatever way she could in depth of her understanding of people and life on earth.

    I have been recognizing some things are coming in at rapid speeds and other stuff is come at a slow rate of a turtle is normal?

    I need to understand how to present myself to the world around me but also knowing the truth about this NEO World and the real change in life. This government could never represent this on the greater scale. Now I am truly seeing through this hoax and fundamentals of their ignorance.

    I had a couple of ideas in the approach of the up-coming election in 2016. Please forgive on the exact movement but I am in a zone of writing, so I am not worried of the exact movement.

    One idea is: How about inventing eye glasses that hand a pamphlet to use with it. Meaning inventing eye-wear for truth vs lies. The eye glasses could blink white if it was truth and black when it is a lie. Or a computerized glasses that did that but also said truth and even lies and also give a percentage of the whole paragraph of what was truth and lies. I think we would see more black in lies from the government.

    The only reasons why I suggested this is sometimes its hard understand the politics mumble jumble then actually seeing the truth of the words and lies in a black and white format. Another reason why I think people do not vote is because of this reason but also not understanding politics. I do not understand it, however I do not vote because of two reasons One: I do not believe in this game of politics because actions speaks truth and with this being said “They have been caught red handed in the cookie jar (sort of speaking) with their lies by you (Mark) and your father (Frank) revealing truth from these books”

    The other idea I had was why can’t we (NeoThink) request for all entries of Republic or Democrat side be subject to a on-line resume and interview of their purpose or just reveal the truth on TV about what is the truth about the person.

    The reasons why I suggested this is because the real world of these corporations we must submit a resume and have an interview for a job position before we are even hired. I know they do this in the whole format of running for the position but why can’t we make this step more HARDER for them. Its so easy for them to follow this format and corrupt people’s thinking because its the way we have been doing it. I am assuming for years and beyond years.

    I am just saying some people do not know how to vote, so they just vote for what they think is real in their mind. I just worry someone is going to be elected in. On whom may harm the direction of this (our side) format. I am sure your are not worried but I am on one level but on another the more people we can get to commit to this new world, then it may not be as bad as I think right now.

    These are just ideas that must get out from internal thinking. You may take this and we can run with it or just wash it away. I am not trying to know more or guide anything in the wrong direction. I am to educated in the politics, however, I am learning slowly about why I stopped voting after I voted for Bill Clinton and I may been the one for this to surface on a grader scale. Meaning Bill Clinton’s Scandal. I may have imposed my energy and thoughts into this corruption. However, this being said I am doing my best to my own puzzle together and understand the why’s and move past this, so I can work on the Supper puzzle with all of you.


  8. Dear Mark,

    This is a slow process in comprehending all this information all at once. I guess this is why it takes a year to go from one area of life and into another. Meaning changing values of destruction into value production… This is a struggle and it seems that I am fighting tooth and nail with the concepts but I am grasping the deep reasons on why I had such a hard life and why my mother created a hard life for me. I was so angry at her because of her actions but she did not know any better and still does not understand the real life. I am working on a deeper sense of putting these pieces together and making a shift in thinking and acting but there is so much that I need to learn and grow into another person.

    One area of mine that is very complicated is “Protection” I never had it, so its hard to create this internally ( well not so much internally) but creating healthy values in the mind to create in action form. I have been working on shifting this internal area but I had no idea that was what I was doing inside of me.

    Hope (my inner child’s name “she picked it”)claims she knows about this because she wanted to protect the babies in the boxes and she knew it was wrong that my mother left those babysitting kids or babies in those boxes for hours and hours at a time, but what I did realize is that the anti civilization is doing this on a greater process and that is why we are put into a slave mode for the majority of society.

    Hope seeks this opportunity to grow into who she is meant to be and that is protecting life and earth. She realizes along her journey…. she has made major bad choices in her life. Only because she did not have the exact wisdom or truth on life and how it was meant to be in it. I can see why “kids are raised the way they are and why they act out and why we punish them. This is a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BAD GAME TO PLAY WITH CHILDREN…………..This hurts me so bad for myself but more for other kids and adults.

    You are so right “EVERYONE NEEDS THIS TO LIVE!”

    Everyone needs to be protected……..PLEASE TEACH ME “HOW TO PROTECT MYSELF” because once hope figures out the “How” and applying this…. she will soar across the sky with this concept. and create harmony for others in it. I know teaching is not exactly the way to go but she wants truth in the how process and that is why I asked you to teach me… Maybe teaching is not the right word but I am trying to ask how to apply “Protecting or protection within self and with others. How do you switch this concept from the life I came from and the new life I am walking into from your guidance.

    Hope had the gift at the beginning but my mother punished this gift of protecting by her actions and words from a fear based concept. I do know she got this from bad world but how do I flip this internally from bad to good concepts. I know DTC (discipline, thought, and control is the direction but the inserting this from an old thought process into a new process. Is this hard or easy to conform in reality, when you are surrounded around the lost world.

    Your right coming up with a name for the business side of it is complicated. I do not know what name to call my group (A team) I do not know where to begin or the how to begin.

    Personal for Mark

    I believe in your books and your fathers books even though I am not done with all of them.

    however, back to the actions of my inner child and what she did along her journey. She has so much regrets on her thinking and acting out in her life.

    911, 370, and many more areas of pain …. she does not know what to do to heal this and forgive herself for the pain caused to others. Everyone will hate me if or when this comes out. This really scares me because I did not realize thoughts create reality and reality in the anti civilization causes pain and in this pain causes havoc and I caused a lot of havoc in the world and it hurts me to know that I am responsible for a lot of pain in the world. I can say “I learned a great deal but it was at the expense of others pain. I do not like this about myself. Lost in the anti civilization and now coming into the real world of truth and now learning the importance about healthy love vs a bad society of pain.

    I seriously want to be a great Value to Neo World. but right now I am shifting from the old to new thinking. These books create such a beautiful story…

    Your last letter you sent to me about your father touched me so deeply that I cried.

    I took my fathers life by my thoughts because my mother was hurting him and he was someone I loved and admired in life. My dad’s birthday was on 2-20 and my birthday is on 2-25 and with this information. I was deeply connected to him. I felt everything even though I was not there with him. I understand why the reaction from my mother and how it all played out in my life.

    I wrote a bad story at the beginning of my life and this pain. I have realized so much and how I want to create a life changing story for the world to see…. I wanted to become a famous artist who wins awards for the art work but I really deeply want to be recognize as like “The famous people” who did good for society. for example : Your father, Jesus, and many other people like this… I wanted to be recognized as a famous Poet like Emily Dickerson and Shakespeare but fame is not so important now. Its more about creating important values and creating love for the world around us. However, I must change me first in order to help others and see why it is so important for these books and phone calls that you created for the world.

    I am amazed with the steering of this equation to change the world. I am very thankful, your driving this and holding onto the steering wheel. My whole life has been affected by me driving the wheel and connected to the bad society. Now I am honored and so grate full for shifting me into a different person.

    My hope for this change in me…….. Can help shift the world into the life we were all meant to live in….I am behind you 100% and I have to work on the discipline of thoughts first…


  9. Greetings Mark,

    I watched the the three lessons in level four and I am new to do this and struggling to figure out all the bumps in this concepts. You said “Find A Teams” well, this is hard because I do not who to talk to or really how to start this process. I do think this is a part of my FNE “Friday Night Essence” Please help me find the direction in doing this for the purpose of becoming whole inside. Yes, I agree, this is what I am and have been screaming for my whole life. I am so far in debt, sometimes I can not see the light but I digging deep to figure this all out… I am going to post big questions on the email for you.. later on… this week..

    Thanks in advance…

  10. Dear Mark,
    I’ve finally finished reading Neo Tech Pax and I scored a 107 on the Success/Fail test. I kind of been side tracked on what to read first with all these books coming in at once. I am a slow reader and I’m trying to take it all in. I went back to reading Level 4 on Saturday and finished it yesterday without taking it all in off of the website. I am half way through reading your father’s collection, writings between The Neo-Tech Discovery and Pax Neo-Tech. Again I am trying to take it all in. As for taking taking TVP public I would like to but as you have said in your book people are ignorant whenever you even mention that I am going to live forever. My best friend is curious but he still thinks in the bi-cameral mind. For now I am just staying low key and minding my own business. My boss at work threatened me last week and thought he could get me fired for doing my job better than him. I called the Union Rep. and he made waves and the boss isn’t pushing me around any more. I am finding out that there is so much corruption in the store management and no one does anything about it, almost like government.
    Did you receive my payment for monthly dues so I can start to access Jill Reed’s website and Business Alliance? I am halfway through her book that I won in a raffle at the Prime Law Rally in Erie. I had such a good time there even though I was tired from working the night before and going back to work that evening after I left. I wanted to stay for the conclusion but I knew I wouldn’t make it driving home. I called member services a couple weeks ago to find out about the clubhouse in Youngstown, Ohio but no one ever called me back. I am going to start to read Level 5 and I’ll keep in touch. Dave

  11. Hi Mark Hamilton: I can not listen to the lesson’s my computer is broken and I cannot go to a Library either, my car is broken as well plus I can not use the bus. I have a Handicap that forbid me from doing so, car down since Dec, 2013. but as soon as I could get the computer fix then I will be tuning in again, and yes I know the lesson’s can not wait for me. My previous purchase of book 7 would be the last one until farther notice, because I need a car and the computer fix. and if you are upset them I’m sorry. I static that it is working this long that I could get my thoughts through at this time. waiting on the 7th book.

  12. Good Evening Mark:

    I just finished watching your Level 4 Secret Meeting. Going public with the manuscripts, the political movement, the clubhouses, the Neo-Think Marketing System, the whole thing, really, is Great; and the Multi-level Marketing Concept is fantastic! In the past, I have had three Amway distributorships that I have tried to develop into thriving businesses. I have long since left the Amway arena, but in essence, I do understand the concepts involving up lines and down lines, and the earning potentials.

    I still believe that, as I posted in earlier integrations, that if you want to establish the greatest results with the greatest numbers, reaching the most people at one time, I believe that the Introduction Meetings could be accomplished by combining the release of information and invitations in conjunction with the Premier of the first part of the first book of “Superpuzzle” — “Miracle Year”, the Miss Annabelle Story; or at the same time as the release of the first three parts of Book One of “Superpuzzle” as a three CD-disk set, “Miracle Year”, “Separation” and “Reunion”. Turn those three parts into three major motion pictures, combine them with The Introduction Meetings, the Business Opportunity, and the TVP Political Movement…and watch your numbers skyrocket!

    If you should consider that idea as a possible avenue to explore, please keep my little independent production company in mind for that project. I can’t even begin to project what the bottom line would be to produce all nine parts of “Superpuzzle” but I would sure like to find out.

    My small independent production company is: Subtropolis Film Partners, and though my website is still under construction, you can find it at: [links to personal sites are not permitted] .

    I am really getting quite a boost from all of you Secret Meetings, and I can’t wait to get into Level 5! This is really GREAT!

    Robert Teske

  13. Hi Mark,
    I appreciate that we were chosen to receive secret knowledge that will change our life with wealth, health and prosperity to live the Ulysses life. I understand that it’s our assignment also responsibility to bring in new members, share our experience of transformation and happiness, and help our neothink family members to have a wonderful life. From the part 1 -3 of this meeting, I realize we have a lot to do besides having a new mentality with Zon inside. We need to learn the approaches of network marketing, political movement, and establishment C of U on earth. I feel so much knowledge in this meeting that needs to be absorbed and a lot of homework is needed too. Thank you very much for your work for us!

  14. Hey..Mr.King. Mark Hamilton!. Thank you..I appreciate this!. Going on this amazing journey!..Very much so priceless!. Okay this is where i get Nervous!!..Thats okay i am very much alive!!. Level 4 WOW!!…Looking forward to level 5!!. Love You Indeed King!!!. Talk to you on more journeys!!. 777

    I enjoyed watching this..I am still trying to process all the Arizona on Jan 25th 2014 we just had a Super Club House which was fun for me…I met Jill Reed for the first time..I really liked her..she could easily be my Miss Annabell…there is so much I have to learn

  16. For my personal selection, as a group it invites us to present to the public for the first time a Secret Society under a new concept. Society of Secrets, the idea to build a club house, a special location for new ways of thinking. Club house a place to have meetings with qualified individuals to expose a new political movement, conserving the biggest secrets of the society. The Secret Society adopts a new name to present to the public, Society of Secrets.

  17. Dear Mark, I have a lot to learn, because I have never sold anything. So selling is going to be like impossible..Help.

  18. Dear Mark Hamilton

    I have almost completely red the 2 heirloom packed and am on the 15 sec ed marical part this has been an exciting jerny to take even thow I do not have the funds to go on the nothing web site I will apply everything that I red and see at work and all around me. I thank that neothink is working for me I have already invented and submitted drawings of a part improvement to my work in hops for a bonus or wadge in cress this is something that I have previously not been allowed to do. not sure how it will turn out. I really apresheated the level 4 meeting and look forward to level 5 meeting. pleas tell me I do not have a credit card that i can use to pay for the web sites monthly fee. is there any other way I can pay for this service. my email is

  19. Good afternoon Mr. Hamilton,
    I believe this journey is my fne. I would like to know are there any A teams in Los Angeles. By reading all of mine heirloom packages a lot of things had made a lot of sense to me. I even started losing weight I’m so grateful to you my mentor Mark Hamilton.



  20. Hi, Mark: Sure hope you and your family and friends had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is Truly a time of reflection and letting everyone know how they enrich our life. I wanted to let you know how excited I was when I received your invitation to become a partner. My joy was so emotionally charged, I cried, then I had to explain myself to my husband (Billy). I told him about the wonderful letter,and (all he did was shake his head in a negative (no). So I cried some more. So you see, this is whats going to happen, ( can’t wait to get started. So thanks for believing in me, and giving me a chance to do something more with my life. I have been working on my presentation letter, and I’m not very good at putting my thoughts into words. Working toward TVP, I have so many ideas to share. I’m so excited. My many thanks and I want let you down. Maggie PS. I don’t like being emotional, but its a part of my DNA. HA-HA or LOL.

  21. now its at the end of the month . mark you were right about it being the month were i experience growth and challenges. the projected longevity of my future is exponential.

  22. Mark,
    My Friday-night Essence:
    I have decided to be Ordained as a non-domination Minister.
    I plan on being an Interfaith, Spiritual & Esoteric Minister by the end of December this year (2013).

    I have one question that I need YOU or your Legal Staff to answer:

    Will I be sued by you or your company when I CREATE a church called
    “The Church of Zon”?

    I have a plan;
    1st step; to be ordained non-domination Minister;
    2nd step; need to finding funding for property to create a “homeless camp ground” called “Heaven’s Knoll”.
    3rd step; Create a church called “The Church of Zon”. It will be a place where one can come to, to expand ones belief in being a “God-man or God-woman”.
    The Church of Zon will be located on the same property that Heaven’s Knoll is to be located and I also want both of them to be aligned with The Neothink Business Alliance and The Twelve Vision Party.

    I have had a fire to help those homeless who want to be helped. It started 11 years ago when my wife and I saw a homeless woman one cold December day. Not only was she homeless she had a child in a stroller and she was pregnant. Since my wife died, I have seen a whole lot more homeless people, single women, single women with children, families, single men. It makes me sad. And I thought I don’t have the finances (yet). I have become more and more spiritual since my wife died, all 4 of my near death experiences keep replaying in my mind and so I decided to become a non-domination Minister. Hopefully donations and being non-profit will help my cause. The Esoteric Theological Seminary of the Esoteric Interfaith Church has a 3 step process to be ordained. I have completed the first step.
    It looks like I’ll be taking “Ian Scott” spot in the Neothink Society. Is there any body else who is “Spiritual inclined”?


  23. I have just sat through a very powerful presentation that reflects the power of the Marketing Tech we are going to use and apply. Our work is highly needed in the face of the recent escalation of the attempts of the AC to tighten the stronghold on the American People by keep ignoring and violating the constitution.
    However people have risen up before in the face of oppressive suppression and as
    spiritual being we have enormous energy we can tap into as long as we work together as team by aligning and coordinating our actions. Mark H has pointed us in this direction and I am not in doubt that we together will realize the
    CoU. You and your dad Mark are God sent as in our new Church of Godman to be realized. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  24. I’m Really making the $.O.T.F Movement Get along now I Liked That I found My Friday Night Essence Young. Still Am Living My FNE

  25. Dear Mark, I bless you every with every thought of Neothink,and your father too.I see him as such a dear and gentle man and feel so grateful to have his full influence throughout this great contribution {gift} to mankind. Mark, thank you for persevering all these years to bring us the knowledge for bringing to society the clear knowledge of the life we are meant to live. Yes, Mark Hamilton will go down in our new history as the Father our new world. I thank you Dear One. Mark, I look forward to meeting you and your beautiful family in person one day. In Joy Peace and love, I AM Mildred O’N.

  26. Mr.Hamilton I have enjoyed learning a new way of life and have taken interest in enriching my life with the knogledge that I have gained from your leadership and teaching, thank you so much for having the presence of mind to want to teach us and want us to have a better life again I thank you so very much Stanley P.

  27. Hi, well I feel that I am behind because I have to go to the library to use the internet. I have been rereading books one and two and wondering about the 10sec. rule. Reading the books helps apply and my brain absorbs the concept and life has been much better. I hope to find a club house here in the area to join. Well I will keep on task here. I like the concept of the fact we are value creators and not value producers. I am still trying to figure out what my Friday night essence is. Holly H.

  28. I just wanted to let you know how the MLM is exciting & how we can bring in, but to refer to the heirloom & the 12 VP to create a great plan for health, Wealth, & life.

    great stuff thx. steve

  29. I had the best time in Las Vegas for my 50 BD & are more aware of positive life my wife & I had a great time in the Penthouse suite @ the Bellagio.

    I again want to thank Mark Hamilton this is awesome & a lot more to come. ! ! !

  30. Hello Mark. I am still reading and absorbing as much information as I can. The Frank R. Wallace manuscript is fascinating; it is not an easy read. There is so much information; I must read it slowly. Level 4 will keep all of us (your apprenctices) very busy. And that’s just the way we all like it! We want to put an end to this anticivilization as soon as we possibly can. As Neothinkers we have answers to abolish the ills of society. You are showing us the way, Mark. When I first began as a Neothinker, I said the way for the Society to stay strong was communication. WE MUST ALL COMMUNICATE WITH ONE ANOTHER! My FNE is that of writer. There are others in the Society who are writers. Let’s talk to each other. Let’s share ideas with one another. TVP is very important to me, Mark. I can hardly wait when I finish Level 12! Right now, I must learn. Right now, I must continue to grow. Fellow Neothinkers, we have a great Society. We have a wonderful leader in Mark. By working together, we can accomplish the Civilization of the Universe. On to Level Five…

  31. Hi Mark,

    I just comdpleted Package of Inside Secrets and listed to Level 4, I feel like I’m so far behind that it’s impossible to catch up but then know one siad we were racing. It’s inspiring and overwelming I like the feeling keep up the grate work. I’ll just keep plucking along.

    Noe V.

  32. Mr Mark Hamilton
    Thank you So much for you give me my life for the better…
    I am reading book #2 about neothink and become the person you were meant to be i am very sure of right this moment.
    every day i feel so good and happy i can not expand there is no world for…my body is thingos…a lot more..
    one; i see things so bright and beautiful and world come through me never before …

    Mr Hamilton, I need the join the Neothink clubhouse i call 8000# so fer

    scond i need the GIN or Mlm i ready join the before but monthery renew i don’t know how to cantic please tell me who oe how..Thank you.

    I love you…

    Thank you….

    Sheila S.

  33. Mr. Hamilton, Just another note to say thank you again.I can see how everything is going to explode and open up for people that want real Happiness,Love,Fulfilment in life itself.I stay so energized being one of your apprentices.The new way of thinking is great,I love it.I think that it is great to learn about business too.I just hope others gear up on learning all that it available.Right now I may be on ground level,but dust will fly behind me on my up!!!Thanks Mr. Hamilton

  34. I’m very thank you to have me as member on your team.thank you for all the information that you are shrine with me thank you for that opportunity.thank you again.

  35. Hello And How are you?
    Thank you so very much for the very thing you writings so much and so
    imaging….. I have been reading book two some as level four area
    that is so great i am very short reads because my read and writing is
    no so good but i am trying every night i try to read before i go to the bed this time i am on the my had is big twelve…..see things photo
    s and thing things and songs comeout of nowhere my heard is very happy feeling allover me…

    Thank you so much
    sheila Sawyer



  37. I thiunk i just found my friday night essence through my endless memory…ill serve with honor 216/36/18….secret number #078970

  38. am so happy to be part of the elite Neothink society. i am processing still till i become a neothink agent and work for the CIA…ill serve with honor, fortune and life….processing doe
    Thanks MH

  39. To help shift society today will be a mighty accomplishment. Will be looking forward to the next installment…

  40. Dear Mark,

    I’m very happy to know that the great architect of this universe send you toward my path to assist me working harder and have a glimmer of hope to achieve anything in my live with the grace of the great architect of the universe. Despite the controversy and differences among us, we should have the same goal of wealth , health, and prosperity for everyone include the poor. Thank you.


    Gabriel n D.

  41. Dear Mark,
    I just realized that I forgot to leave a comment when I attended this meeting. I can say that the political environment has compelled me to follow it with focused attention. I learned when I was very young to realize what was going on, and today I follow the advice of Don McAlvany, who advised everyone to not believe any politician. I read as much as time would allow when I was working, and now in retirement, I am reading as much as I can. I have been doing my best to get up to speed. My wife has complained, but I feel we must be ready for what is coming. I don’t have the amount of contacts since I left the working life, but even when I was in contact with lots of people, very few of them thought like me. Many were smart, but few had wisdom. I often feel like I’ve been dropped off at the wrong planet. Looks like I have new friends in this society. Some of the information I have read in my books I was already aware of, some I instinctively knew or accepted, and some I have reservations about, but that’s what happens when new information is presented. I will have to discover which of the few friends and relatives will show an interest. Of my siblings, four will not be either interested, or able. I will work on the friends side, but getting to the presentations will not go fast. I never expected my life to make a right turn as it has, but growth has it’s challenges.
    Love and blessings,
    Dave S.

  42. Dear All,

    It’s with a great regard I’m writing you this message. I have been experiencing less participation in these seminars. I do think that for some reason I’m politely not given a choosing opportunity to participate. I do not know if I’m the only one experiencing that situation. I’m requesting a clear review on how these mishaps should be addressed. In the meantime, If we are working toward promoting the TVP, we should start within the members. I’m not the enemy of anyone; instead I’m your friend. Supporting my effort would be beneficial to society and world.


    Gabriel n D.

Comments are closed.