Secret Meetings Level 4 Comments

263 thoughts on “Secret Meetings Level 4 Comments”

  1. Dear MH,

    It’s with a great pleasure to write this message. I’m very in support to finally go in public. I’ll be available to heard from the stratification necessary to pass the message to the public. But it’s important to let you know that if we want to moves forward, we must be supportive each other. During tele seminars, I’m completely hosted out to question and comment. If we want to change the human way of thinking to what it supposed to be, we must trust and support each other. We must comprehend from our inner conscience the prime law and start practicing it without fear among us. Whatever is know of me should be clearly delighted today as a pure defamation. If I can be active to talk and express ideology, please take me out of the circle. I can progress without it. The people surrounding your organization do not comprehend that as your example, the future of the Neothink are the youth. There is no reason why I should be treated as an outsider not be willing to express. I know the origin of the prime law as well as you but many of us do not. This is not a society of killing or evils people, it’s a society of consciousness from ignorance. We cannot pretend advocating by remaining in the stage of unconsciousness. I do know evil but do believe that if we getting less support from educative book we are studying and being interpret as evil study, it does mean that we are all still in the age of ignorance and refusing or not comfortable learning what we never have. I can be rejected by these who knows the truth and refused to say so. We are talking about the TVP while refusing to support the truth. I spoke the truth. These who are leading your society Mrs. MH are creating a form of bias without the society to promote these they want. Particularly, I must now live the life I supposed to leave and must distant myself from any distraction. We must progress and not retreat in the state of consciousness. I felt very humiliate to be create in this earth as Lucifer when actually its signature is on anything we eat, we touch, we think and act. I’m with conscious ideology since my youth age I built a progressive ambition in a very young age from the critical experience of life I endured. So I’m urging you to let me know why I’m treated as an outsider when my intention are good? Thank you for your time.


    Gabriel n D.

  2. Hello my fellow neothink members.
    There are a couple of integrations that I would like to share with everyone today. The first of which has to do with the bicameral mind in unison with the stimulation vs education concern brought up in the meeting. As was briefly mentioned in one of my earlier posts, there are many bicameral urges in today’s society even among the military. You see, we all started out going to basic training and had a drill sergeant telling us what to do, when to do something, and how to do it. Even after all of the training is over, many people still have the desire to be led by noncommissioned officers and other leaders in the military. Instead of taking the initiative and thinking for themselves, they rely on the advice of others to say what needs to get done. Very similar to having a boss give out orders at work. I wanted to bring this up here, because Mark explained in the audio that the public needs stimulation rather the education. The bicameral mind is still very strong among most of today’s population. It will not work very well to explain all of the details because members in today’s anticivilization will not be able to handle all of the nitty gritty details of biological immortality and following their FNE. On one other note, I wanted to mention that to anyone who has trouble listening to the conference calls either here or on the active member side, you can really benefit by downloading the audio to an ipod/mp3 player in order to hear the message at a more convenient time. That has done wonders for me because I can still gain many golden nuggets at a later time and pick up the important integrations while driving my vehicle or walking somewhere. The last concept I wanted to mention for this meeting is the network marketing aspect. I just recently became involved with a company called Amway that allows people to sponsor others and build a team of people. That feels more like my FNE than this at the moment because unfortunately, I have not been able to attend a single clubhouse yet or any major function with the Neothink members. So if there is anything that people would like to comment about my thoughts, please don’t hesitate to leave a reply.

    Sincerely from the C of U,


  3. The more I go through these meetings with Prime Mentor Mark Hamilton, I gain enormously with each subsequent digestion of the content provided. Mark Hamilton’s works opens up the path to prosperously happy value creation for the ordinary man and woman. What a value for Our children who are just learning this at the age of 9 and under. I feel They are set for life. Our society has REAL winners and REAL winenrs in training. That is EXACTLY what this trainign dd for Me: it steadily transformed Me into an UNSTOPPABLE WINNER! May Your eternal journey bring You wealth, health, and happiness for life!

  4. Dear Mark:

    Thank you for the cullmation of value creation, formation denominators and of creating the Friday night essences. Choosing a name for my business was indeed very helpful. I’m working on product production at this time for inventory needs. I look forward to a better future with sustainable renewed health. Thanks you so much for your concern and guidance. Always devoted like attracts like. (Ms. Sunshine)

  5. PHASE FOUR (4)

    Another 10-SM, for my Friends…,

    I am not a Follower – Yet I shall follow With you – Until we lead Together – or fall away and apart from one another (one’s Mission – One’s Destiny) – On our Own or Together.

    I started my Truth seeking Journey when I read, in it’s entirety, Julian Jaynes’ book, “The Origin of Consciousness in the Break-Down of the Bicameral Mind,” well over 20 years ago. I was unspiritual and leaning towards answers that made sense in its powerful logic and mysteries of our minds. I have grown since, and added Spirituality to the mix (from other sources of exploration (“The Urantia Book,” for one) – Super power (Knowledge [look it up…, Coded links to Neothink are there…, you’ll fit the Puzzles together….]). “Neo-TeAching” is adding more spice to these elements. The ingredients are adding up to be greater than the whole of any one part.

    Since, I’ve discovered the $cience of the Mind. Tapping into technology’s rewards, at the time. I started with investigating Subliminal suggestions, and found the best I could find in the industry then – A library of very sophisticated, multi-tracked tapes (eventually converted to CDs, and now my MP3 player – Wow!) on the fifteen elements of Success (I have yet to fulfill my aspirations…, yet, in this effort, something wonderful happened – purity of mind.). Each subject an hour session in itself. I listen to these sessions day and night, as I journey through the trials of life, helping and correcting the impurities that accumulate through this venture of existence (that would have eventually twisted my mind in who knows what direction….). [Helping make me a better me…, was what it was about. Now, it’s about finding the me I could and should be….]

    I had found, then, the need to help purify the child within (which was already faltering) – Protect it from the invasions of man’s impurities (mental deceits) as I grew into adulthood. I’ve managed with these concepts (practice) so far to help Purify the Child within from the unpredictable infections (impurities) of an overwhelming pollution of mind from this world, as I grew into, and with this potentially overpowering, existence within humanity.

    Today, I’ve discovered my inner Child. It came with much effort and struggle. Yet, with Neo-TeAching, I’ve understood my reasoning and purpose for this Journey of Life (as, so precious it is….).

    Life is so much more than simply existing, influenced (unknowingly and subconsciously) by our assumed existence as presented by what we might (innocently and uncontrollably) consider reality. We have Will that has been tainted, skewed, twisted, even perverted. We fall to beliefs that we follow for lack of leadership in our lives and even in ourselves.

    There is Truly much, much, more to our Realities than what we have been tainted with in colors of our choosing through our glassy and glossy, if not blurred, vision. Our infancy (innocence) is not immune to misguidance, pain, hurt and misconception thereof (in building, formulating and creating our visions, hopes and aspirations, to our perceived futures, from where we stand, as we are and as we can….).

    I have found the Child with me Re-Born – Alive – and Happy now once again. Thank you for helping me find the missing pieces to my Puzzle(s). Life is Awake for me Again, in such a Magical way. It’s just the beginning of what physical wonder in life I have left to enjoy or endear on this planet. Sad my human mind could not have manifest this sooner. But, Now is Better than any time to late or later. With Great Joy, I now anticipate the Future….

    What an incredible (potentially impossible and fragile) Journey we live. Yet, finally, with a chance at what Really matters. Can you dare answer that Question…? Always try to remember, if you can, the Sweetest Revenge to any shortcomings is a Good, Fun, Adventurous and Prosperous Life, at all Levels….

    I’ve also reviewed parts of “Man’s Choice,” by Frank R. Wallace, back when, soon to be revisited after receiving and absorbing PAX (for comparisons on Frank’s works – his journey – now part of ours).

    – Alexander (24/7)

  6. hey thanks again..if it wasnt for neothink i would not be here…I need to deeply review level 3 and of course falling behind..I have lots of bulls#!^ blocking my journey …..It be real hard for me to let people in the society…. AT least for now….Thanks again for letting me in on the secerts…

  7. when i first read about neothink i thought it was a scam ,there is so many these days,yes and these are people who cheat and are fake but i just felt instinctively this was different so i ordered the 1st book and when i read it i was amazed even though i couldnt understand everything in the book,as it said at begining of book you just absorb the information but im so glad i did i do understand some of it much better now after reading some of the other books,esp pax neothink when he talked of 09,11 when religion showed its true colours and the world will never forget what happened that day,and now we have a chance to spread the word of neo tech to other people and make them see the honest path ,not mystical or religion that is supposed to be the good in the world when they are the evil of the world,im so glad i listened to my insinct now,thanx to frank wallace and mark hamilton we will change the world.

  8. Halo Mr Mark-I so gled to resolv my problem,I so happy to hiring you on level 4th,I tynking abaut the clab wery stries,I like to be bussy ,trawel meet the people.I do my best for the Neothink society I wana liv live happy,helthy end be to rech,my wision yts so byg,.Thank you Sincerely Henryka.

  9. Dear,
    I am so happy and honored to be a part of this Neothink Society. ! thank you for the truth ..

  10. Hello Everyone: Thank you for your postings. March 24th is Prime Law Day.
    states in the US will be supporting this 1st Historic Prime Law Day.
    Go to for details.

    Jill Reed, Twelve Visions Candidate for 2012 and Thomas Cary Twelve Visions Party Vice Presidential Candidate for 2012

    Also: go to:
    to listen to the Twelve Visions Party radio show.

    Steve Fagan

  11. i am interested in the politicical part of it for right now how to get started
    would be one of my goals Iwould like all information Icould get

  12. 2012 is the greatest of all time now this new world NT system available to us to really get ahead in life through honest integration business mentality what we all searching for the honest truth of what life is meant to live and have the best of people in the world to be a part of,the best class of all people,now in this age,First Class,i am proud to be a part of this Elite Class NT for life .Poitics or Religion will not get us B.I.we NT will because we are taught to understand and support the ultimate goals..This is IT”Dr.Frank R. Wallace R.I.P.,Mark Hamilton and Master KT,you guys are my MVP ..never done in history to be a part of the most powerful people in the world, what it takes to live a perfect life through DTC..Arnold NT

  13. Hi! I have finished listening and reading part 4. There is so much information that I hope to go through it again. Enthusiasm will certainly bring better results. I am seeing that the situations, circumstances around us are caused by us. There are many solutions. We each have power. So o o many of us are ready to help others. I am anxious to study the next lesson and will keep on studying.

  14. Dear Mark Hamilton: I just finished Part Three of Level Four and the supplement section. You are quite wise in knowing the marketing psychology of your prospective new members. The heirloom book exerpts that you introduce to prospective new members leave out Frank Wallace’s beliefs on God and religion. Those sections are and will be quite offensive to Christians. Many may be disillusioned and disappointed in their churches, but when you attack their core God beliefs that is a big turn off. Many will be eventually be disappointed and feel they have been dupped when at Level Eight or Nine, you introduce the Frank Wallace sections of the heirlooms. These sections are strongly atheist and anti-bible. You can knock down the church pillars, but you can’t take the God and bible out of the people. People need more than money and success to survive. You are a proponent of being honest and truthful. Isn’t the marketing techniques used for new prospective members a little devious and just to get them in the door?? When they eventually find out the real true beliefs of the group they are involved in won’t they be disappointed?? Some people will so cling to their belief systems they will prefer to live in poverty. Some may rebel when their government pillars and church pillars are removed. Many will resist change. It will take more than the state of Florida to hold all that will resist change. Kathy Thompson

  15. Thank you Mark for a very well done session so far. I just completed Part Two of Level Four. You give us excellent instructions and assignments, that if followed, will give us the results we need to move forward. That was excellent advice re: Stimulation versus Education!! In other words, you want us to stimulate the public and not preach at or waste time on educating them. In other words, “Don’t throw our pearls of knowledge before minds that may not be receptive to receive the information or knowledge at this time”. You are so right!! People in general, and the public, prefer to be stimulated and entertained. They don’t want alot of information crammed down their throat. The “Forces of Nature” messages, in general, will always be acceptable to the minds of the people. As you teach, the “Forces of Neothink” have to be carefully introduced. Not all are ready at this time for the full-blown message of Neothink. Kathy Thompson

  16. Dear Mr. Hamilton
    I am at level four as you know my intrest is recruting but since I can use any Neothink literature iam wondering which is the best approach, to get to
    the point I talk to my neighbor about neothink did not try to education just to stimulate she gave me a set of CDS to listing to A NEW EARTH the author by the name of Eckhart Tolle my first thought was to her one of older neotech book by you Mark The NEOTHINK WORLD . by going public for the frist time I do not want to mess this up she is wating for my next move please tell me is the book is the right move are not, I have self leadership but can you help me on this one your apprentice Dawud.

  17. As I follow the republican party primary process, I see a parallel between the TVP platform and Ron Paul’s platform. He is getting a lot of attention. This tells me that a lot of people are ready for TVP platform, which offers a lot more than Ron Paul’s.

  18. There is a lot to learn…however, I did not realize how much stimulation moves the past child inside. I am excited about all of the new ideas that continue to flow throught he various level. Level four seem to put it all in some perspective to all three books pointing me in some direction and with an intended goal in mind. I believe that before I can execute the Introduction meetings, Club House Meetings, and Political Meetings there is still so much to digest for myself first. I believe that this new journey has to be a part of my development and to undue 48 years of deprogramming my thoughts is a challenge. I realize that I have to let all of the stuff I learned prior to the new ideas go completely…I still working on this new me…sometimes I dont know where to start to begin the creativity because so much of my way of thinking has been tainted by what others have put in my mind. This process is like starting over as if I was a little girl growing up only now I have to see this new growth from a different set of lenses…it is like being re-born again only this time I can not go through my mother wombs again. I am so excited about the having knowledge of the past child and what it will take to stimulate my mind to bring others people into this new mentality. I am also moved by the concept to bring in peopel through them aquiring what was intended for their lives. However, it is hard to give this concept to other people when I can not grasped, understand, or able to create the new mentality you want me to market to meetings. I dont just want to have knowledge of the new mantality, but believe it is posible. Now, I can say that you marketed me in through your literature using the forces of nature and forces of neothink through stimulating the past child from within…I was definitely searching…

  19. Russ Frickey here in Coeur D Alene Idaho after meeting Jill Reed in Spokane Wa on her campaign trail and learning level 4. I sense the growing tide of energy within the group.I want to tap into my own energy to lead as i have all my life but the puzzle picture is still too big for me to see where, i can add never before seen values. Like the invisible fields of energy beyond gravity, the most innate workings of this system are not yet into focus. I am filled with emotions from the Cof U and yet live in the anticivilization causing me harm every moment in the spiral of death trap. Yes I am invested yes I will build a clubhouse yes to it all …. At times im graping for the SOS life bouy and at at other times trowing it to another. Filling the good ship Neothink with castaways and vicims from a destroyed anticvilization who are drowning in this social landscape. Can my vessel fondly known as “Little Russell” in the armada of the great ship Neothink , actually weather the storm? Decisively under my command, sailing into unpcharted waters ? Must I batten down the hatches? Starboard!! Steady as she goes… winds howl, ice bergs slam into the hull and yet a whisper is heard. It comes from the chamber below. A strong man whose many days at sea have put a limp in his step and cough in his voice now lays on his back on a small cot. All that he has done or seen dances in his mind. The storm is only but a vehicle to him but his men are terrified.Among these men is the son of this strong man. The sons place now at the helm where his father had been just a short time ago.From up above where the sea is roaring the young captain again hears a whisper. The sound he has feared all his life is closer than ever. The sounds of an old sailing song sung from the chamber below. “son Im goimg crazy,from living on the land.” The waves growing higher the rain even colder but the song whispered on..”son Im going crazy ,from living on the land,Ive got to find my shipmates..” ropes attached to the sail now taught,break free with a pop! But the whispered song drummed ahead..”from living on the land, Ive got to find my shipmates and walk on foriegn sand.” And then it would repeat “‘son im going crazy from living on the land ,ive got to find my shipmates and walk on foriegn sand.” Over and over the young captain heard the whisper. All his fears had found him. He knew that when that whisper stopped, the storm would be gone and his father would be gone too.

  20. Dear Mark
    After listening in on my Level Four meeting a very strange thing happened to me I was ready to write you a comment.My brain went blank I could not remember what I was going to write about or what you talked about at the meeting total brain dead thinking gone. sponge full told my self brain needs time to recover .how ever today my thinking is back on track and stronger than ever.the meeting was excellent .
    exciting and very emotional .
    A big thank you Mark

  21. I learn something new every time i listen to this.
    As ronald mcdonald says, “i’m lovin it.”
    What an exciting journey!

  22. Hi Mark, I just finished my first level four meeting and will try to go through it two to three more times to absorb all that i can. I want you to know that I have never had or wanted anything to do with sales and have never been able to give a speech or talk in front of people. I guess you could lable me shy and withdrawn. I definitly do not have an outgoing personality. I really wish i was a people person and could do all the things you are proposing with the clubhouse start up and the meetings and organizing for the Twelve Visions Party. I just can’t picture myself doing something so huge. I am struggling so hard with all of this and my love for and belief in my LORD JESUS, My Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit. I loved the Miss Anabelle’s Secrets Heirloom and long for all the things that were accomplished though her teachings, students, friends, and husband. I also want to build the Roberts dynasty for my family and decendants for all eternity. I haven’t been able to put my finger on my FNE or experienced any TSM’s or integrated thinking or Neothink as of yet. I have not been to any club house meetings (There is none in Indiana) or conversed or mingled with other SOS members and am very nervous about doing so. I have listened in on some of the seminars but haven,t participated and am reluctant to do so. I sure hope I can get over this and really get into everything and make some lifelong friends, including you Mark. Donald R.

  23. just listened to level 4 again and got cut off in part 3. don’t know if this is a technological problem or the trouble i have with hackers that think they have the right to totally destroy someones life. would like to be able to listen to the complete level 4 meeting several more times.

    i would love to see biological immortality achieved immediately. i have
    lukemia and have some lymph glands swelling up. this is not good. wish i
    could use my hidden abilities to heal myself.

    thanks for all you have done for me and all humanity.

  24. Mark,

    Force of Nature and PAIN (Power Available In Nature). As I listened to your discourse on Level 4 I was overwhelmed by thoughts of how difficult and challenging it is to change the current world systems and age old paradigms. I went to bed around 11:00 PM trying to think of what I might have to offer to help. Instead all that kept coming to mind were all the woe-is-me negatives of my situation, years of physical pain and suffering, and my dislike and distrust of business and politics. (See Member Profile) I woke up at 3:30 AM with my body and joints aching, as usual, took my pain medication and went back to bed hoping to sleep in late being as it is Sunday. Instead, I awoke again at 5:00, or I should say my Inner Child (Jason) awoke as though it were Christmas Morning! I immediately recognized the energy pouring in accompanied by creative thoughts in answer to my concerns on what I might have to offer “our” Society of Secrets and a Clubhouse (even my own).

    My usual morning coffee/meditations last about an hour, sometimes longer depending on the information flow. Here is a summary of this morning’s free-flow around 6:00 AM … PAIN has been your constant companion most of your life; personal, family and professional, both physical and emotional. Strength lies in your mental and spiritual awareness and understanding. Integrate all that P. A. I. N. , transform and transmute the Potential (power) Available In Nature, this Force in Nature, into Present Time, your own initial Primal Time for use now. Void of polarization (politicalization?) it returns to pure creative energy. In this state of vibrational frequency your present day sources (personnel, equipment, technology, ideas, funding, etc.,) for assistance will come from the medical fields and services that have served you, your family, and friends … and from their networks. Your FNEs might well become related to Alternative Health Care, Prevention of Aging and Immortality Research. (My son and daughter, ages 51 and 49, already tell me I’ll probably “ascend” in this body … along with them of course.)

    Well, for sure, I woke up a new person in a new world this morning. I’m now fully open to do and be what I can along these lines of “neo-thought.” I’ll have a new perspective now as I continue on with current medical treatments and therapies. Now they will be experienced as processes of regeneration … another $6M man in the making! Take care all!!

    Your new partner,

    Jerry (and Jason)

  25. To Mark Hamilton; Bring Neothink to the public building a super puzzle with twelve visions sounds good.I,m not sure bringing Neo tech to the public is going to work for me. Erica Raschel

  26. Dearest Mentor,
    I just attended my 4th level meeting and still excited for what’s really the path we’re heading. I found my FNE and I have encountered 3 (X) TSM I actually submitted my 1st idea to Davison and it’s on the presentation level to make a finished product for a targeted company. I send them my finish prototype so I don’t pay much for a complete demo package of my idea. I’m still waiting for the president of new product to approved using my finished product. And I have 2 more idea that really need to market. It’s all about YOUR (TSM) and FNE and I really believe the path you pointing to us. I also did Network Marketing in the past and sales. I’m still here on the side following your guidance, just waiting for my break for my 1st TSM then follow it up with 2nd, 3rd etc. I Just need a little break so I can make my ideas out and that’s my starting point. THANKS AGAIN

  27. Mark, it is very important that at least one of these lessons that add so much to the former bicameral thinker, yet my interests and curiosity is other dimensional. what happens to Secret Societies and organized crime syndicates in this transition? If I would have had an audience at a table as proposed, then I wouldn’t ask here. I have destroyed values for a living and I have created values for a living, yet neither can reach any true height without knowing thy neighbor or knowing them that labor among you. See you at level 5.

  28. Dear Mark, How are you? I am at level four in the Society. I get it to ” what is ” and I am seeing that this is the best life Insurance any one could have.

  29. I was so disappointed with Level 4 because the content was not written out like the previous 3 levels. When it’s written it’s so much easier to absorb the information – especially for those with any hearing difficulties.

    Right now I am in complete overwhelm.

  30. Mr. Hamilton: The first few letter I received, was telling about the people that don’t have much, in other words limitted bugets, and that getting into this wonderful Secrets So. will be able to make a better life. How can you expect people to pay 100 dollar a month?? at this moment time when many are having a hard time paying everyday bills. My small opinion is that people need first to attend the meetings for free and after if they like or make enough money, then they can pay this big amount. Many people are hurting in at this moment with the economy and jobs situations.
    Take care, Lali

  31. This has been an exciting journey so far. Although I have a number of Power Point presentations, I don’t believe that I could make selling membership into my FNE. After retiring 15 years ago, as a network administrator, technology has changed so much that I would be at a loss in today’s markets.

  32. -Mark Hamilton

    Just viewed all of level 4 meetings. Level 5 is already online so I’m too late here with my integrations…
    It seems that you only read these comments and don’t reply to them.
    I sure would like to market your program and spread the word about the 12 vision party. There’s a whole lot to do and I need more ideas from you in order to start. I am asking a lot from you – but you are asking a lot from us. Well, if I can’t infringe on your copywrited material, can only stimulate and not educate – what is there left to say?! I’ll go over level 5 on the weekend and review level 4 part 1. I live in Fayetteville, Arkansas. There are no clubhouses her. Do I start my own clubhouse? I need to write a 45 minute speech for the introductory meeting. It’s good that you found me a year ago and that I got all 4 books. Man, you sure are asking a lot from us!

    – John Van Tuyl

  33. Actively hosting local clubhouse and learning more to become a better mentor for when the club grows with new members seeking guidance.

    Thought: – Words changing from a secret society to a society with secrets sounds very “Free Masonic”.

  34. Greeting mark how are you doing,I’m Yasiah from Miami Florida,33150-4015. I sing jamaican style lerics for a long while and proform at couple local shows in the past, I thought I’ve lost it but after reading a few pages out of the first hierloom and apply it and then actervate it my voice came back and QUIT cigeretts 12/5/10.I Then did a local show and I was magnificent and alot of people call my name at the same time and cheer me while I’m going on the stage.

  35. I would like to have more information about the networking in the NT. I have been in one club house meeting for the networking but couldn’t really get an answer. Does Neo Tech networking have a list of all member with their business, I can interact with them, sales or buy or use their production line for production and pay them instead non NT member. I believe Neo tech should be able to do business together. If you do have a networking list like that, can I have the list, I need help in production and sales rep. I find it really hard to get respond or answer from the Neo Tech Society.
    Please get back to me.

  36. Dear Mark,
    I am still studying and trying to learn about this society. I like and agree with pretty much all of what it is and stands for.
    I am not a salesperson. I have tried to make my living that way in the past and failed miserably. Most of the people that I know are in the same boat as I am with barely enough to servive and have necissitys. Therefore I would have great trouble asking anyone to try and come up the money you talk about, especially $100 per month.
    I hope to continue to follow the society’s progress but just don’t feel I could ask my family and friends to put out that kind of money. I know that I could not afford to.

  37. Good morning again Mr. Hamilton,
    This is my second integration for today @ this time.
    Just a follow up on my earlier integration- in short,
    just in case I haven’t said it, enough, thank you Mr. Hamilton.
    I truly appreciate all that you have done , are doing, and will do.
    I bid you peace

  38. Hi Mark!!!!!! I am Enjoying all of this.. My interests are in Science and Health thow!!!!!!!!!!! I believe you are 100% wright about your Dream for All of us. I am just trying to survive right now, so i can get the prostetic parts that i need.. I was dirt poor before the Economy went South!!!!! I want Everthing that you have spoke OF. I understand now why others have never understude me, and have found Away around that. I am patient and careing Again. I have always been a Quite person and some people Really don’t get that!!!! I DO..When my Intestines are not buging me I see through Alot of things and I am sharp about Bussiness concepts. Money is stopping me from reaching the small goals-Health,clothes,parts 4 my car. I will hold my ground till i can Figure away out of this Situation??? Always here 2 Learn, your student, ALLEN S. JUMP.

  39. I find what you are proposing to be interesting. This should help me with my other side business. i can’t wait to go to my first members meeting. I still can’t afford to get on the web site yet but hope to soon, thanks Paul.

  40. Dear Mark,
    I am at level four in the Society. It seems that you want me to prmote the Society. However, attending meetings and reading the boards have not changed my mental nor financial state. I do believe in your philosphies, but would like to know what further gains I will receive and when. My FNE is not a salesperson, I am wondering if this is right for me. I wrote several times, please get back to me.

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