247 thoughts on “Mark’s Superpuzzle Trilogy”

  1. I’ll be able to shove Superpuzzle in the hands of girls and say, “Get back to me when you’re a woman”. It is such an emotional book. I cried many times reading it. Only very short periods of crying. The suddenness of some of my outbursts reminded me of doing the same thing sometimes when I watch a neocheater on TV.  Mark Hamilton is quite some writer; he uses a style of writing and depiction that seems very different. I thought whilst reading Ch33/34 Mark Hamilton was setting me up to cry on reading the end of 35. He did. Brilliant. —Gav

  2. I have the child of the past within me. I enjoy Superpuzzle very much. I am still reading it. I am on Chapter Eighteen. I am beginning to feel emotional. —Jerry B.

  3. This book is an excellent novel which integrates the outline of the future. It wonderfully inspires and evokes emotions to work toward fulfilling Superpuzzle. I found it hard to keep from reading end to end. Great work!!! Thanks. —Dave P.

  4. Dear Mr. Hamilton, WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE.  I hold a great respect for your writing. My concentration was always focused 150% when I read your masterful work.  I cancelled my plans for last Friday and Saturday, just so I could read Superpuzzle. I finished the entire work in two days.  Superpuzzle comes to life. When I read it, I almost knew what you were going to say each chapter before I even read it. I wish I could express my feelings right now, but I haven’t developed that writing skill yet! Thank you Mark Hamilton…I hope to meet you in the New World! —Jason

  5. Superpuzzle is the best tool you have to show people the possibilities behind neothink and all the advantages within this information. I can’t wait to get to the next chapter. I’m trying to read as much information as I can.  Thanks for a great story. —Josue R.

  6. I am not a very emotional person, but in the reading of Superpuzzle I was overcome with emotion several times. I have come to the conclusion that this story will be the breakthrough that we have been seeking.  The writing style of Mark Hamilton is beyond my imaginings. Ed………the old man from the Tenn Mts. —E. Geoffrey S.

  7. Superpuzzle is very moving and emotional. Its story form helps the reader to learn the ideas presented very quickly. I can’t wait to finish it and begin rereading! —Mike

  8. There must be so much psychology integrated into Superpuzzle that the emotional feelings will be felt differently and peak at different places for any reader depending on their own minds. —Gavriel S.

  9. Upon finishing Superpuzzle, I have realized that among the many emotions experienced during the course of the reading, one emotion stands above the rest: hope. Fighting the battle of disillusionment with our current world, while witnessing the injustices, the robberies, and the murders by society’s “leaders” is a constant source of pain and struggle.  Yet the hope in me was revamped and amplified in my reading of Superpuzzle.  I feel reenergized and ready to create. —Daniel C.

  10. Superpuzzle is filling me with enormous emotions that are the kind I feel happy about — I feel I’m not alone any more. Superpuzzle fills my being with happiness so great tears fill my eyes and make it difficult to read further. I don’t know what else to say. I’m wrung out. —Wayne H. K.

  11. I am so excited!  I’m on Chapter 13 and I fear I may be shrugging off my regular duties in light of Superpuzzle. To the future! —Lynn H.

  12. Hello Mark, Thank you for the story that I have just read.  The ideas have given me results in all areas of my life.  Superpuzzle has helped me.  It touched me deeply & I cried many times as I read it (both tears of joy & sorrow). —Spencer H.

  13. Dear Mark, Many sincere wonderful words have been told about Superpuzzle by others. I am not going to repeat them. Instead of words, you have my standing ovation. —Marek J., Australia

  14. I can’t wait to come home from work ever since I started reading Superpuzzle from your website, until I am done. I can see through my mind’s eye the events unfolding before me, as if I am there present and observing what is happening, which touched me emotionally and moved me to tears as I read every chapter! It’s great, unique, prophetic, and enlightening! Well done! —Pedro M.

  15. Mr. Mark Hamilton, I have only read through the second chapter of your story, but I had to write you now! The feelings Superpuzzle gives me… are… just for the lack of a better word WONDERFUL!! I can’t wait to continue to read the rest of Superpuzzle, and I thank you for such a wonderful piece of literature. Thank You. —Terry

  16. Dear Mr. Hamilton, Your Superpuzzle is the most incredible, powerful thing I’ve ever read.  I’m sharing it with my 12-year old and am seeing with a visual and mental clarity how I need to be HIS Miss Annabelle…and to my other two children as they begin their education beyond infancy. Words of thanks are hardly enough for what you have brought out for mankind. I simply cannot articulate the explosion of hope in so many areas of my life going on inside of me now. I have a whole new outlook on life, and I know where I belong. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude. —Carey Y.

  17. Mr. Hamilton, I’ve only completed two chapters of your story so far, but it’s already touched something deep inside me. I know this because a swell of emotions come up and makes me cry. I remember reading somewhere that crying because of happiness comes from years of repressed emotions…well, I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but it has touched me so far.  You’re awesome. —David C.

  18. An excellent moving, heart warming and emotional format to convey to the world populace honesty and advantages. —Gordon B.

  19. I feel burdens falling away.  I’ve just read Superpuzzle, this comes after starting to pursue my real essence years ago and then losing hope and enthusiasm. I feel the false burdens falling away and my motivation burning once again. —C.N.

  20. After reading Superpuzzle…all I could do for the next few minutes was…sit in front of this computer screen and quietly & happily…clap…clap…clap…clap…clap…clap…clap…clap…clap… clap…clap…clap…honestly…I couldn’t stop as I reflected on the last thoughts & words of Miss Annabelle. —Mark S.

  21. Right now I am in Chapter 25 of Superpuzzle, still being amazed by the story.  So far this book is simply amazing how it is written and how it makes one think.  It makes you believe more in the way philosophers think versus the way life is.  Thank you so much for writing this book. —Fred L.

  22. Your novel Superpuzzle was the most incredible book I have ever read.  I am a 23-year-old male, and I have to admit that there were several parts in the book that brought tears to my eyes — tears of joy!!!  This novel helped me to realize that so many incredible things are possible. Thanks again for writing this unbelievable novel. —Chris W.

  23. Mark, Superpuzzle is majestic.  All the while my mind was elevated.  I kept seeing a reflection of myself just as I was 25 years ago.  I felt as though that child in me was being resurrected!  Superpuzzle is sincerely a masterpiece contribution to the world. —Jacqueline S.

  24. This story gave me tingling sensations throughout my nervous system. It taught me the fundamentals of common denominators and how they get to the essence of happiness. —Ladar

  25. Thank you Mr. Hamilton for the life rendering artwork called Superpuzzle. It has moved and touched my heartstrings of life. —Willie S.

  26. In my 54 plus years of reading, this has been the most profound, eye-opening literature I’ve ever read. A positive step for humankind.  I wish I had had a teacher like Miss Annabelle instead of one like Ms. Minner!! —Alan L.

  27. Mr. Hamilton, First, let me say that everything I’ve read from you is nothing but great. Due to my busy schedule, I have never taken the time to write to you about the value of your books until now. I was refraining from writing a positive testimonial because the testimonial isn’t even close to being finished. But, your latest creation Superpuzzle has really changed me in many ways.  Superpuzzle has given me what I believe is the needed boost that will catapult me into the highest level. I never had the mentor I needed. I always sought those who were above me, who knew more since they were the fastest way to the highest level. Now, I feel the characters in Superpuzzle are my mentors. I want to thank you tremendously for that valuable book. I definitely look forward to reading many more of your books.  Thank you is not enough. —Mathieu G.

  28. This is my second time reading Superpuzzle and it has renewed a passion within me that I had thought was lost.  Since the events of September 11th, I have felt a void in my life.   Happiness seemed unattainable anymore due to the chaotic reality of life.  It was not until I reread Ms. Annabelle’s encounter with the school board that I realized that life can only cause you pain as long as you inflict it upon yourself.  Sure, there are maniacal people with hate in their hearts in the world, but there are also beautiful souls who love and continue to produce and create values even when the world looks bleak.  I long to live purposefully by adding and creating values for others.  I would love to become a teacher; to be able to enrich young lives and minds with logic and fully-integrated honesty.  —Elizabeth R.

  29. Mark, this is a very powerful story. It reached me emotionally in a way that no other literature has done. I found myself in tears at points in Superpuzzle. It seemed that certain emotional blocks in my life were being broken through. I find myself valuing life and hating death at more of an emotional level as a result of your story. Thanks, Rob. —Robert K.

  30. Mark, I have read most of everything you have written in the last ten years, and have always been supremely happy with the values delivered, but you have struck “pure gold” with this book, and have made it not only easy but enjoyable to warm one’s attention of involvement with Neothink. Well done, kudos, kudos, KUDOS. —Garwin E. R.

  31. What can I say? Mark Hamilton’s Superpuzzle is spot on. I like the analogy of equaling the roller coaster emotional tide felt in Braveheart with that battle cry of FREEEEEEEEEEDOM. Superpuzzle gave me more satisfaction than Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead. And that’s saying something. Rand’s works were very powerful, riveting messages and Mark Hamilton went beyond that. Mind blowing stuff. All I can say is, when is the movie coming out? It will surpass Titanic, Ben Hur, and The Matrix by far. —Howie H.

  32. I’m done reading Superpuzzle.  What a wonderful book.  I must admit it’s better than The Matrix. Reading Superpuzzle allowed me to see the big picture of the New World. This book is made for the movies. My conclusion: this is the most positive prediction of the future I’ve ever read. —BJ

  33. This is so amazing!  Superpuzzle is changing my life as I read it. I can now feel positive about my life and my children’s lives.  Superpuzzle is so powerful and so true I have seen it happen in my life and others around me, it is so exciting and invigorating to see. I feel so lucky, because I am a 21-year-old mom and my oldest is 6 and my youngest is 4.  I made my way through high school and I started college this year. What a gift you have given, and will continue to give! I am behind you 100%! If you make a movie, I would love to play Miss Annabelle, I think her character is so great, and I would love to be a Miss Annabelle for my children and many other children because to spread the truth like she did is what I have been doing, only on a much smaller scale with my daughter and her friends! The truth has finally been set free, and it makes me so happy! I no longer have to live the anticivilization lie! I love You! —Raquel F.

  34. Dear Mark, to give you insight on the supremacy of Superpuzzle, allow me to tell you that in my four years in Saudi Arabia, more than two decades ago, I read all the English books in Abqaiq, Radhwa, Juaimah, three libraries! Not one of the best sellers can come close to the intimacy I had with the characters in Superpuzzle. Superpuzzle burns my heart, even now; it’s been two weeks since I finished reading Superpuzzle. The eloquence of Superpuzzle was its simplicity, honesty, and its mirror of real life today. I would be surprised if it is not a real story! Fiction cannot even approximate the reality from beginning to end. This is the story that is meant for a movie. —Paul D.

  35. I am reading, perhaps, the best book that I have ever read.  It’s in the same category of Gone With The Wind, Sea Wolf, and another 101 of the World’s Best Books.  I am surely enjoying Superpuzzle. —Peter A.

  36. I’ve already submitted my comments on Superpuzzle a few days ago. I was on chapter 6 then, and now I’m on chapter 30. At this point I feel compelled to say that I think that it is the most brilliant thing I have ever read. As a long time reader, I didn’t think there was anything one could write that would shock me, but I was wrong. This thing will shake the guts out of anyone who thought of themselves as good hardworking people. It was incredible how Mark Hamilton has seamlessly integrated every important concept and advantage into a highly enjoyable and readable narrative. Don’t expect this to be the last you hear of me about this incredible work, for the more I read the more I feel like shouting out how great it is! Thanks again, Mike “the Rev” C. —Mike C.

  37. Mark Hamilton’s Superpuzzle is phenomenal. It is the best work of art I have ever come across.  I was excited and emotional throughout my reading, and my mind couldn’t stop wandering off with ideas and integrating new concepts. Superpuzzle has got me excited all over again.  Thank you, Mark Hamilton, for the renewed motivation and confidence injected into my being. —Chris M.

  38. Has anyone out there read Mark Hamilton’s incredible new work, the work that eclipses all previous works….Superpuzzle? Now I liked Atlas Shrugged, but this thing just blows it away from an excitement and emotional perspective, as well as the broad scope of it. It is not only one of the most highly integrated works ever, but in my opinion, the most emotionally profound. It is also the most easily accessible product for the hard-working man in the street. It’s something that down-to-earth people can really relate to. I predict that this publication will not only be the big crossover product that captures the general public, but I also predict it could be the most financially profitable from the standpoint of people voluntarily GIVING whatever they can afford to pay for the product. I know that I feel compelled to give the author something, if for no other reason than he brought out special feelings I hadn’t felt in years. I suspect that others may feel the same. —Mike

  39. Superpuzzle is one of the most powerful creations yet. I’ve NEVER read anything like it. I couldn’t stop reading it. I was moved by the characters and their thoughts. This story made me think about so many things, my childhood, my family, my future. I would give almost anything to have had a teacher like Miss Annabelle.  I could have avoided so much pain if I had known then what I know now. It’s like learning to speak a new language, it’s so much easier to pick up as a child than it is as an adult. But it can be done. The same holds true for neothink. I want to thank you for sharing this great value. —Jason D.

  40. I am in awe over Superpuzzle. I had constant tears of joy, frustration and empathy throughout this eloquent account of the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe. Thank you, Mark Hamilton. You have written the ultimate epiphany. I hope this is what will transpire. —Killairne J.

  41. Riveting.  I haven’t enjoyed reading something so much as Superpuzzle. It is now 3:20 a.m. and it is only out of sheer exhaustion that I stop. I would like to personally thank you for this story. My only wish is that everyone could get their hands on this information. Please continue spreading the truth (honesty)! —David K.

  42. Just like to say that Mark Hamilton is a genius. I’m reading Superpuzzle, which I’m loving. I never want to finish reading this book although eventually I will. This book is the key to becoming not only your potential but is also the key to all knowledge. This book continues to amaze me and the pieces of the puzzle are snapping together like clock work. Mark is one of the best authors I have ever read and knows how to make his points clear.  Thanks again Mark for showing me the way. —Jason

  43. Superpuzzle is the most stunning novel I have ever read.  Mark Hamilton deserves the “Booker Prize” for creating a modern masterpiece. Literature has the power to change society for good or bad. Superpuzzle has the power to dig deep into individuals’ psyches and help us progress upward into a better and happier world. The one emotion that I think I took away from Superpuzzle above all others is love…a love for man’s mind and what it can rise to, when freed from the constraints. —J. Hawk

  44. Mark, I’m sitting here with tears on my face trying to type.  I have just finished reading Chapter 36. It only took me 8 hours, I could not stop reading…I ignored my housework and most everything around me except my child. I believe that Chapter 36 pulled it together.  I was pulled emotionally so many times by Superpuzzle.  The cheaters, the liars, the manipulators…scary stuff…reminds me of today’s world.  Slowly it is changing.  How wonderful it would be to live in a world where the values created are not torn down or ridiculed. Every chapter I read had something else of value to add to my life.  It was like turning on the light switches.  AMAZING!!! Thank you for your story…but one question…is it a story or perhaps a vision of what will be??  I sense some characters are stronger than others. I feel that they are actual persons today or have been influences in your life.  —Barbara S.

  45. Mr. Hamilton: Superpuzzleis fantastic!!! I haven’t finished all of it yet. So far it has taken me on an incredible emotional roller-coaster ride. I have never had this kind of reaction to a story, not even Braveheart, which is my all time favorite movie, the only movie that I ever shed tears to. —Richard S.

  46. Wow! It sends chills up the spine. Once you get into it, and get to know the characters, the message is very powerful on an emotional level. —Jeremiah G.

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